Licensing information for Oman - A4

Prepared by: OH2MCN - Veke & DK8KW /W1KW - Geri
Status: March 1997, Dec '99 links added

Intro: Oman will not issue a license to use your own equipment for any short term visits, however, a permission may be granted to operate the club station, A47RS.

Write to:

Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society
P.O.B. 981
Postal Code 113
Sultanate Oman

Fax.: +68-698 558
Tel.: +68-600 407

and ask for the above mentioned permission to operate the club station, A47RS. Include a copy of your home license. Upon arrival to Muscat, you can pick up your permission at the headquarter (near Intercontinental Hotel, blue signs "Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society" lead you to the HQ on top of a hill, several large beam antennas show you the way to the building) and enjoy a couple of hours operating a ham station a la "1001 nights" under the exotic call A47RS and the real oriental hospitality of a nice ham society!.

Best 73, have fun
Geri, DK8KW (W1KW)

"'Geri' Kinzel, DK8KW" < DK8KW at >

Paperwork needed:
The best way to get a license:
Special calls:
How long before you can operate?
License restrictions:
Useful local contacts:
Places to operate from:

Travel info: DESTINATION OMAN and subWWWay to Oman

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