Download jtxDupes

My program jtxdupes.exe shows duplicate call signs as cooperative program of WSJT-X.

New version been uploaded in March 2024.
Recently I used MSHV for FT8 with "multi answering", because sometimes more stations call me.
Now it runs easily, until the program keeps ignoring dx stations. But it is less stress than answering them manually with a manual list. So I left the automatic logging ticked.
This my program jtxDupes had a bug: the insert into my sqlite data base got an error when logging a qso at the same time after a second RR73.
It displayed the CONSTRAINT error, but the following "reset" tested the status. Which was not OK but the same as before (CONSTRAINT). I did not read the manual carefully. Now it displays "not logged".
And the frequency of the pitch was not correct in MSHV.

How to install

Download and extract

Double click on setup.cmd

It also loads JS8 contacts if you have some.

Double click on jtxdupes.exe on your desktop or move it somewhere else and link it to your desktop.
Eventuelly allow access to your private network.

Run WSJT-X as usual if you have not done so yet.

You see new calls in red. You see decoded messages in blue. You see your duplicates in black.
You see in my screenshot: A61EK becomes a duplicate after been logged.

When you finish WSJT-X my program finishes as well.

(If you update your wsjtx_log.adi manually you can run reload.cmd and start jtxdupes.exe.)

Have fun!

73 Wolfgang OE1WWL

© 2024    Wolfgang Wagner [email protected]

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