About District 5

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Our Mission

Our general mission is set forth in FCC regulation section 97.1:

"Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications."

In addition, FCC section 97.401 spells out our specific duties as an emergency service:

"When normal communication systems are overloaded, damaged or disrupted because a disaster has occurred, or is likely to occur, in an area where the amateur service is regulated by the FCC, an amateur station may make transmissions necessary to meet essential communication needs and facilitate relief actions."

Oregon Section ARES is part of the 

ARRL Northwest Division

Oregon Section ARES Leadership

Oregon ARES District 5 Leadership
Oregon Section Manager - SM: DAVID KIDD KA7OZO
Oregon Section Emergency Coordinator - SEC: DAVID KIDD KA7OZO
Assistant Section Manager - JON WANZER KK6GXG

Coos County ARES Web Site  County EOC: N7DCD

EC: Craig Lundborg  


Don Richcreek, KI7PPC
Leo Kusuda, WA7UR
Jim Gilbert, AK6JG

Douglas County ARES Web Site  County EOC: K7RBG

EC: George Roth KE7MVX


Jerry Eifert, AE7ER
Mike Harbin, W7OVN
Christine Masters, AF7OK


Curry County - no web site. County EOC: K7URY

Harry Bryant, KC7HVM

Jackson County Web Site  County EOC: K7JAX


AECs: Steve Bosbach,KW5V

Josephine County - no web site EOC: N7GPO

EC: Joe Stodola AA7JS


John, K7VSU
Bob Billington, WA6HWW


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Copyright © 2012 by Oregon Section ARES District 5, all rights reserved.  Permission is hereby granted to use material on this site under the following conditions: Credit must be given to The Oregon ARES District 5 Website, and a hyperlink to this site must be provided from the article in which the material is used. 

Last modified: 12/26/2015