ARDUINO Simplex HAM Repeater Controller

This project hereby presented is a complete HAM radio simplex 'smart' repeater, built around a Motorola GM-350/950, Arduino NANO board and a WINBOND audio recording integrated circuit.. The repeater was built to work on the 4m band, in order to promote activity and provide testing facility (by providing on-air S-reports)

Motivation :

On the 4m (70 MHz) band there is not enough bandwidth to work with split (uplink/downlink) frequency pair, because cavities are not able to separate / isolate signals this close. Therefore the concept of a simplex repeater – this works like a ‘parrot’, on a single frequency, records and plays back any signal sent with a valid CTCSS subtone for a duration up to 60 seconds.

Hardware :


Information & data sheets :


System main features :
TO-DO list :

This is an on-going project , the sketch hereby presented is fully functional and debugged, but there are still some things on the 'nice to have' list !


Pictures illustrating operation - project under construction:

Channel '375' corresponds with 70.375 MHz

Stand-by mode. beacon will be transmitted in 8min54sec. temperature 25°, supply voltage 12.9v.  No RF signal on-air

RX mode, CTCSS tone detected, repeater Active, recorder running and counting up. RF signal present S9+20dB

RX mode with recorder in overtime, playback ready but put on Hold as still CTCSS on air

TX mode, repeater active, message being played and counting down, output power 18,4W

The complete circuit - click to zoom !


This is the sketch  or download it here.  It was compiled with IDE version 0022.- IMPORTANT : please use the same or you might get errors when compiling !  You still can download previous versions from ARDUINO website Feel free to contact me to check if an update is available...

//   ********************************************
//   ***          by ON7EQ jan 2013          ***
//   ********************************************

#include <math.h>                // required for NTC readout
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>             // Watchdog function

// initialize the LCS library with the numbers of the interface pins
 * on typical 2x 16 LCD display
 * LCD RS pin     to digital pin 7
 * LCD Enable pin to digital pin 8
 * LCD D4 pin     to digital pin 9
 * LCD D5 pin     to digital pin 10
 * LCD D6 pin     to digital pin 11
 * LCD D7 pin     to digital pin 12
 * LCD R/W pin    to ground
 * Trimmer to LCD VO pin (pin 3) (contrast)
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

// build LCD specific characters 'degrees'
byte degree [8] = {

/////////////// Simple Arduino CW Beacon //////////////////

// Written by Mark VandeWettering K6HX
// Email: [email protected]
// Thx Mark de ON7EQ !
struct t_mtab { char c, pat; } ;
struct t_mtab morsetab[] = {
  	{'.', 106},
	{',', 115},
	{'?', 76},
	{'/', 41},
	{'A', 6},
	{'B', 17},
	{'C', 21},
	{'D', 9},
	{'E', 2},
	{'F', 20},
	{'G', 11},
	{'H', 16},
	{'I', 4},
	{'J', 30},
	{'K', 13},
	{'L', 18},
	{'M', 7},
	{'N', 5},
	{'O', 15},
	{'P', 22},
	{'Q', 27},
	{'R', 10},
	{'S', 8},
	{'T', 3},
	{'U', 12},
	{'V', 24},
	{'W', 14},
	{'X', 25},
	{'Y', 29},
	{'Z', 19},
	{'1', 62},
	{'2', 60},
	{'3', 56},
	{'4', 48},
	{'5', 32},
	{'6', 33},
	{'7', 35},
	{'8', 39},
	{'9', 47},
	{'0', 63}
        } ;
#define N_MORSE  (sizeof(morsetab)/sizeof(morsetab[0]))
#define CW_SPEED  (18)
#define DOTLEN  (1200/CW_SPEED)
#define DASHLEN  (3.5*(1200/CW_SPEED))  // CW weight  3.5 / 1

////////// end CW section ////////////

// Temperature routine

double Thermister(int RawADC) {
 double Temp;
 Temp = log(((10240000/RawADC) - 10000));
 Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp );
 Temp = Temp - 273.15;              // Convert Kelvin to Celcius
// Temp = (Temp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit
 return Temp;

/////////////////    R E P E A T E R     P A R A M E T E R S   ////////////////////// 

    #define  RPT_call       ("ON7EQ") // Call sign of the repeater 
    #define  RPT_ctcss      ("79.7")   // CTCSS tone / letter

    #define  RPT_loc        ("JO11OC") // Repeater QTH locator    
// ISD 2560 pins control
    #define  ISD_mode_pin     (2)    // Pin for ISD mode control : Play = H / Record = L  (ISD2560 pin 27 PDIP)
    #define  ISD_PD_pin       (4)    // Pin for ISD PD/STOP/RESET : Normal = L / STOP or RESET (from EOM) = Pulse H  (ISD2560 pin 24 PDIP)
    #define  ISD_CE_pin       (5)    // Pin for ISD CE control : Normal = H  /  START = Pulse L (ISD2560 pin 23 PDIP)

//PRM8020 - GM350 pins control
    #define  PRM_PWR_pin      (6)    // Pin for enabling DC power to rig : Power on = H / power off = L  (controlling power FET)
    #define  PRM_PTT_pin     (13)    // Pin for PTT control : TX = H  /  RX = L   - connect via 'open collector' transistor
    #define  PRM_SQL_pin     (A0)    // Pin for SQL input (to be added in PRM8020) this is to check BUSY frequecy (= SQL break, disregarding CTCSS)
    #define  PRM_CTCSS_pin   (A1)    // Pin for Mute input : When muted by CTCSS = L  /  Unmuted by CTCSS detect = H (gm350 GP3 H=no CTCSS L=CTCSS)
//CW tone output
    #define  CW_pin          (A5)    // Pin for CW audio out
    #define  CW_PITCH        (900)   // CW pitch 

    #define  NTC_pin          (A2)    // Pin for 10k NTC input.  NTC must be on ground side, pullup to +5v by R 10k
    #define  FAN_pin          (A3)    // Pin for FAN control.  Fan ON = H / Fan off = L
    #define  FAN_Pulse_pin    (0)     // Pin for FAN Running control.  Fan ON = L / Fan off = H

// RSS read
    #define  RSS_pin          (A6)    // Pin for Signal Strenght input

    #define  Vcc_pin          (A4)    // Pin for Power Voltage sense input 
    #define R1               (12)     // from GND to Vcc_pin, express in 100R  (12 = 1200 Ohm)
    #define R2               (47)     // from + power supply to Vcc_pin, express in 100R  (47 = 4700 Ohm)
  // voltage divider at Vcc_pin  - select proper values so that voltage never exceeds 5v on Analog input !
  // With R1 = 1k2 and R2 = 4k7, max input voltage = 25v   
    #define  Po_pin           (A7)    // Pin for RF Power sense input 
    #define  BUZZER_pin       (3)    // Pin for BUZZER control.  Buzzer ON = H / Buzzer off = L


////////////////    Define some time related variables ///////////////////
    unsigned long BeaconTime = 0;    // timestamp beacon repeat interval
    unsigned long ActBeaconTime = 0; // timestamp beacon repeat while repeater active   
    unsigned long RecMsgTime = 0;    // timestamp message record START
    unsigned long RecEndTime = 0;    // timestamp message record END 
    unsigned long RecMsgLength = 0;  // message recorded length
    unsigned long MiniMsgTime = 0;   // timer message minimum length
    unsigned long PlayMsgTime = 0;   // timer message play length
    unsigned long PlayStartTime = 0; // timestamp message play start

    unsigned long ClrQRGTime = 0;    // timer for clear frequency delay
    unsigned long KerchunkTime = 0;  // timer anti-kerchunk 
    unsigned long SQLdropTime = 0;   // timer to define the max allowed signal/SQL drop (flutter)
    unsigned long BeepDropTime = 0;   // timer to define the delay SQL routine inhibited after 'frequency busy' beep is generated
    unsigned long MsgDelayTime = 0;  // timer for delay before message repeat starts after PTT keyed
    unsigned long ErrorTime;         // timer for timestamp error detected
    unsigned long ErrorSinceSec;       // seconds since fatal error occured
    unsigned long ErrorSinceMin = (0); // minutes since fatal error occured
    unsigned long ErrorSinceHr = (0);  // hours since fatal error occured
    unsigned long ErrorSinceDay = (0); // days since fatal error occured

////////////////    Define some time related constants ///////////////////

    unsigned long V_BeaconTime = 10;    // beacon repeat interval while repeater idle (minutes)
    unsigned long V_ActBeaconTime = 3;  // beacon repeat interval  while repeater active (minutes)
    unsigned long V_RptActTime = 5;     // Time interval to consider repeater 'active' (minutes - must be > than V_ActBeaconTime)
    unsigned long V_RecMsgTime = 60;    // message max record lenght - in function of the voice recorder IC (seconds)
    unsigned long V_MiniMsgTime = 3;    // message minimum length (seconds)
    unsigned long V_PlayMsgTime = 60;   // message max play lenght - in function of the voice recorder IC (seconds)
    unsigned long V_MsgAgeTime = 10;    // max message age (to declare it obsolete)(seconds)
    unsigned long V_ClrQRGTime =  2;    // clear frequency waiting delay before repeating & beaconing (seconds)
    unsigned long V_KerchunkTime = 50;  // timer anti-kerchunk (milliseconds)= minimum time to consider effective signal
    unsigned long V_SQLdropTime = 200;  // max allowed signal/SQL drop (flutter)(milliseconds)
    unsigned long V_MsgDelayTime = 300; // delay before message repeat starts after PTT key signal (milliseconds)
    unsigned long V_SQLTailTime = 350;  // total delay SQL dropoff - used to stop play before EOM (milliseconds)
    unsigned long V_BeepDropTime = 2000;// delay SQL routine inhibited after'frequency busy' beep is generated (milliseconds)
// Define misc variables

    int dummy = (0);                   // allround dummy variable not allocated
    int scrap = (0);                   // allround scrap variable not allocated
    int TEMP = (254);                  // Temperature
    unsigned long Pout = (0);          // TX RF Output power (measured, expressed in tenths of Watt)
    unsigned long Pmin = (15);          // TX RF Output power (minimum for error detect - expressed in Watt)
    unsigned long Pmax = (35);          // TX RF Output power (maximum for error detect - expressed in Watt)
    byte Beacon_RQ = (0);              // 1 = Beacon Request pending
    byte A_Beacon_RQ = (0);            // 1 = Beacon Request while active pending
    byte MaxMsgLenght = (0);           // 1 = max Message Lenght reached

    byte RPT_active = (0);             // 1 = Repeater has been active during ActBeaconTime
    byte RPT_status = (0);             // Repeater status: 
                                             // 0 = startup phase 
                                             // 1 = Beacon mode 
                                             // 2 = Record mode 
                                             // 3 = Play mode
                                             // 94 = error mode - RF ERROR                                            
                                             // 95 = error mode - NTC ERROR
                                             // 96 = error mode - FAN FAULT   
                                             // 97 = error mode - UNDERVOLTAGE
                                             // 98 = error mode - OVERVOLTAGE                                     
                                             // 99 = error mode - OVERTEMP
    byte Clear_QRG = (0);              // 1 = Clear QRG status
    byte CTCSS_QRG = (0);              // 1 = CTCSS is present on QRG during a mimimum period to initiate REC status evaluation
    byte TX_status = (0);              // 1 = TX mode / 0 = RX mode 
    byte RxBusy = (0);                 // 1 = Receiver Unsquelched, disregarding CTCSS present or not    
    byte RxCTCSS = (0);                // 1 = Receiver unmuted by CTCSS tone present 
    byte PlayOnce = (0);               // 1 = initate the Play sequence
    int LCD_refresh = (-1);             // LCD refresh counter (every X cycles, perform a refresh of some data)
    int LCD_refresh2 =(-1);             // LCD refresh counter (every X cycles, perform a refresh of some data)

    byte ISD_status = (0);              // Status of ISD chip 1= not defined 2 = Record mode  3 = Play mode     

    // RSSI calibration  GM-350 'RSS_pin'

    unsigned int  RSSI_uV =(0);           // RSSI µV
    byte S_units = (0);                  // S units
    byte last_S_units = (0);             // last known S units
     #define      uV_0  (215)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 0  µV    - check with your RTX !
     #define     uV_02  (243)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 0,2 µV
     #define     uV_05  (274)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 0,5 µV
     #define      uV_1  (299)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 1   µV
     #define      uV_2  (326)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 3   µV
     #define      uV_5  (348)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 5   µV   
     #define     uV_10  (361)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 10  µV   
     #define     uV_20  (385)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 20  µV   
     #define     uV_50  (419)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 50  µV   
     #define    uV_100  (432)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 100 µV   
     #define    uV_200  (438)            // Voltage x 10 mV for 200 µV   

////////////////////////////////////   S E T U P ///////////////////////////////////

void setup() {

   wdt_enable(WDTO_8S);  // Enable watchdog, timeout 8 seconds
  // Define & initialise I/O pins 

  digitalWrite(PRM_PWR_pin, LOW);     // make sure transceiver in OFF befor selftest initiated  
  pinMode(PRM_PWR_pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);     // PTT pin init, and make sure transceiver in RX mode !  
  pinMode(PRM_PTT_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BUZZER_pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);       // BUZZER pin init, and make sure it is silent    
  pinMode(FAN_pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(FAN_pin, LOW);          // FAN control
  pinMode(FAN_Pulse_pin, INPUT);       // H = fan running 
  pinMode(CW_pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(CW_pin, LOW);           // CW pin init
  pinMode(PRM_SQL_pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(PRM_CTCSS_pin, INPUT);

// Enable ISD2560 Chip

  digitalWrite(ISD_mode_pin, HIGH);    // PLAY mode
  pinMode(ISD_mode_pin, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(ISD_PD_pin, HIGH);       // reset chip & power down 
  pinMode(ISD_PD_pin, OUTPUT);
//  delay (100); 
//  digitalWrite(ISD_PD_pin, LOW);       // enable chip
  digitalWrite(ISD_CE_pin, HIGH); 
  pinMode(ISD_CE_pin, OUTPUT);

// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: 
  lcd.begin(24, 2);
  delay (100);
// create degree sign 
  lcd.createChar(0, degree);

  lcd.print(RPT_call);                 // Call sign of repeater
  lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 
  lcd.print("SIMPLEX REPEATER");  
  delay (3000); 

  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); 
  lcd.print("Firmware v"); 
  lcd.print("2.5");                  // the firmware version 
  lcd.print(" ");                  
  lcd.print("01/01/2013");           // the date released
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("Testing system ");
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH);       
  delay (300); 
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);
  delay (1500);   
  wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer 

  delay (1000); 
  delay (1000); 
  delay (1000); 

////////////////////// PERFORM SOME SELT-TESTS //////////////////////////////


  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); 
  lcd.print("Vcc ");           // Read power supply voltage
    dummy = map(analogRead(Vcc_pin), 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1));
    if (dummy < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((dummy/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((dummy)%10, DEC); 
    lcd.print("v = ");
    wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer  
    if (dummy > 149)  RPT_status = (98); 
    if (dummy < 115)  RPT_status = (97); 
    if ((RPT_status == 97) or (RPT_status == 98)) {             // We have a voltage error !
                      lcd.print("FAIL !");
                      digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH);     
                      delay (2000);
                      digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);
                      ErrorHandling();                // Error routine
    else {
                      delay (2000);
                      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
                      lcd.print("Switching on Transceiver");
                      delay (1000);
                      digitalWrite(PRM_PWR_pin, HIGH);     // power up RTX                     
                      delay (2000);                   

  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  digitalWrite(FAN_pin, HIGH);         //  FAN test
  lcd.print("FAN test  = Checking ..."); 
  delay (1000); 
  wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer
  dummy = digitalRead (FAN_Pulse_pin);
  digitalWrite(FAN_pin, LOW);         //  end of FAN test  
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("FAN test  =             ");
  lcd.setCursor(12, 1);
  if (dummy == 1) {             // We have a fan error !
                      RPT_status = (96);
                      lcd.print("FAIL !");
                      digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH); 
                      digitalWrite(FAN_pin, LOW);         // end of FAN test       
                      delay (2000); 
                      digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);
                      ErrorHandling();                // Error routine
  else {
                      delay (2000); 

 ///// TEST SCREEN 2
  lcd.clear();                                       // SQL test
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); 
  lcd.print("SQL test  = "); 
  wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer
  if ((RxBusy == 1) or (RxCTCSS == 1)){              // We have a SQL error !
                      if (RxBusy == 1)lcd.print("BUSY ");
                      if ((RxBusy == 1) and (RxCTCSS == 1))lcd.print("& ");
                      if (RxCTCSS == 1)lcd.print("CTCSS");
                      digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH);     
                      delay (2000); 
                      digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);                        
  else {
                      delay (2000); 
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("Temp "); 
  wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer
  TEMP = int((Thermister(1023 - analogRead(NTC_pin))) + 0.5);       // Read temp 
  if (abs(TEMP)>99) TEMP = 99;
  if (TEMP >= 0) lcd.print(" ");       // If temp positive, print space, else a '-' will show up
  if (abs(TEMP)<10) lcd.print(" "); 
  lcd.print(" = "); 
  if (TEMP > 45)  RPT_status = (99); 
  if ((TEMP > 60) or (TEMP < -15)){              // We have a NTC error !
                      lcd.print("FAIL !");    
                      digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH);     
                      delay (2000); 
                      digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);  
                      RPT_status = (95);                      
  else {
                      delay (2000); 


  lcd.clear();                                       // PWR test
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); 
  lcd.print("R F test  = "); 
  wdt_reset();                                       // Reset Watchdog timer
  digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, HIGH);                   // PTT enable
  delay(500);                                        // Wait for TX to go live + stabilize measurement 
  Pout = map(analogRead(Po_pin), 0,1023,0,1000);  // @ 25w probe voltage = 2,50 v and 25w RF = 50v peak
  digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);                   
  Pout = (Pout * Pout) / 1000 ;     //  now Pout on 50 Ohm in tenths of Watt
  if (Pout < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10w
  lcd.print((Pout/10), DEC);
  lcd.print((Pout)%10, DEC); 


// Recalculate some misc variables

    Pmin = Pmin * 10;
    Pmax = Pmax * 10;
    lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
if ((Pout > Pmax) or (Pout < Pmin)) {       // we have RF Error !
        RPT_status = (94);   
        lcd.print("FAIL !     ");    
        digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH);     
        delay (2000); 
        digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);
        ErrorHandling();                // Error routine  
else {
        lcd.print("PASS        ");    
        delay (2000);   

  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("Going live ");
  delay (1500);   
  wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer 
  delay (1000); 
  delay (1000); 
  delay (1000);  
// Recalculate some pre-defined time constants in milliseconds  
    V_BeaconTime = V_BeaconTime * 60000; 
    V_ActBeaconTime = V_ActBeaconTime * 60000;
    V_RptActTime = V_RptActTime * 60000;
    V_RecMsgTime = V_RecMsgTime * 1000;  
    V_MiniMsgTime = V_MiniMsgTime * 1000;
    V_PlayMsgTime = V_PlayMsgTime * 1000;
    V_MsgAgeTime = V_MsgAgeTime * 1000;
    V_ClrQRGTime = V_ClrQRGTime * 1000;

// Orft jolly we go ... prepare the 1st beacon

    RPT_status = (1);     //  Set in beaconing mode at startup 

    Beacon_RQ = (1);      //  Force beacon send immediately at startup 

    BeaconTime = millis();

// Generate  display

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     L O O P    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void loop() {

  wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer

// Test if any critical error condition , each cycle

dummy = map(analogRead(Vcc_pin), 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1)); // supply voltage
          if (dummy > 149)  RPT_status = (98); 
          if (dummy < 115)  RPT_status = (97); 
TEMP = int((Thermister(1023 - analogRead(NTC_pin))) + 0.5);       // Read temp 
          if (TEMP > 60)  RPT_status = (99); 
if (RPT_status > 90)  ErrorHandling(); 

// Test if frequency is free for a while //

  squelchtest();                          // test SQL
  if ((RxBusy == 1) or (RxCTCSS == 1)){  // QRG not free !  
      ClrQRGTime = millis ();
      Clear_QRG = (0);
  if ((millis() -  ClrQRGTime) > V_ClrQRGTime) {
         Clear_QRG = (1);               // QRG is now clear !

////////////   R E C O R D     A N D    P L A Y    T O G G L E   ///////////////////

// While in RX , test if a CTCSS is present --> prepare for RECORD status

   if ((TX_status == 0) and ((millis() - BeepDropTime) > V_BeepDropTime)) {  
            if ((RxCTCSS == 0)  and ((millis() - SQLdropTime) > V_SQLdropTime)) {  //No CTCSS present, no flutter dropout
                KerchunkTime = millis ();         
                CTCSS_QRG = (0);
                if (RPT_status == 2) {
                              RPT_status = (3);              // end of RECORD status, now we must PLAY
                              PlayOnce = (1);
                              // stop the chip
                              RecEndTime = (millis () - V_SQLTailTime);  // Remove SQL crash
                              MsgDelayTime = millis();
                              RecMsgLength = RecEndTime - RecMsgTime;
            if ((RxCTCSS == 1) and (millis() -  KerchunkTime) > V_KerchunkTime) {          //CTCSS present
                   if (CTCSS_QRG == 0){                        // we detect CTCSS event 'UP'
                           RecMsgTime = millis();              // we timestamp start of record 
                           PlayOnce = (0);                     // disregard any msg possibly waiting in memory, start a new one!                
                           CTCSS_QRG = (1);                    // A valid CTCSS is present during a minimum time
                           RPT_status = (2);                   // Toggle to Record mode 
                           MaxMsgLenght = (0);                 // Reset overflow condition, if valid
                     SQLdropTime = millis();                    // Flutter drop timestamp
                     if ((millis() - RecMsgTime) >= V_RecMsgTime) MaxMsgLenght = (1);   // Set flag for OVERFLOW                 

//////////////////////////////  R E C O R D    M O D E /////////////////////////////
 if (RPT_status == 2)  {   
     if (ISD_status != 2) isd_start_record() ;  // start record on chip
     if (MaxMsgLenght == 1) {    // Test if max msg length reached
           RPT_status = (3);     // Toggle to play mode
           PlayOnce = (1);
           isd_stop_record() ;  // stop recording on the chip, memory is full !!
           RecEndTime = millis ();
           RecMsgLength = RecEndTime - RecMsgTime ;
 } ////// END of RECORD mode  /////////
//////////////////////////////  P L A Y   M O D E /////////////////////////////////
 if (RPT_status == 3)  {   
     if (ISD_status == 2) isd_stop_record() ;  // stop recording on the chip    

    if (RecMsgLength < V_MiniMsgTime) { // recorded message too short, revert to beacon mode
      RPT_status = (1);
      digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);  // Just in case :o) 
      MaxMsgLenght = (0);              // Just in case :o)  
      TX_status = (0);
      CTCSS_QRG = (0); 
      PlayOnce = (0);
      Beacon_RQ = (0); 

// test once if msg obsolete to play  

    if (((millis() - SQLdropTime) > (V_MsgAgeTime + V_ClrQRGTime + 1000) ) and (PlayOnce == 1)) { // recorded message obsolete, return to beacon mode
      RPT_status = (1);
      digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);  // Just in case :o)
      TX_status = (0);               //reset some parameters, before jumping to start of loop
      CTCSS_QRG = (0); 
      PlayOnce = (0); 
      Beacon_RQ = (0); 
      A_Beacon_RQ = 0;               // there is non CTCSS activity, cancel repeater 'active' status 
      RPT_active = 0; 
      MaxMsgLenght = (0);    

// message is OK, now play   

     if (Clear_QRG == 1) {         // Frequency is clear !
              if (PlayOnce == 1) tone(CW_pin,CW_PITCH+500);   // generate signalling beep at start of message 
              digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, HIGH);                // PTT enable
              delay(100);        // Wait for TX to go live and RX unsquelch
              TX_status = (1);
              RPT_active = (1);       // Repeater has played a msg and is considered 'active'   
                    if (PlayOnce == 1) {           //initiate the play
                        PlayOnce = (0);
                         LCD_refresh2 =(-1);       //force update of some display data    
                         lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
                         if (dummy < 100) lcd.print(" ");
                         if (dummy < 10)  lcd.print(" ");           
                         lcd.print(RecMsgLength / 1000,DEC);
                         delay(V_MsgDelayTime/2);    // Lead in delay
                         delay(V_MsgDelayTime/2);    // Lead in delay
                         PlayStartTime = millis(); 
                         RPT_active = (1);         // Repeater has played a msg and is considered 'active'         
                         isd_start_play ();        // start playing of chip message
                   /// Generate beacon 'while active'
                        if ((RecMsgLength >= 10000) and (A_Beacon_RQ == 1)){  // we only generate beacon if message lenght > 10sec
                                 delay(V_MsgDelayTime);                // Lead in delay
                                 lcd.setCursor(13, 0);                 // shown beacon TX in display
                                 lcd.print(" BCN"); 
                                 sendmsg(RPT_call) ;                  // send call
                                 ActBeaconTime = millis();            // reset timers
                                 BeaconTime = millis();
                                 A_Beacon_RQ = 0;                     // reset request
                        }  // end playonce
                 if ((millis() - PlayStartTime) >= RecMsgLength ) {  // entire message played and remove SQL crash at EOM; 
                        ISD_status = (1);                     //Chip status now undefined, message is played
                        digitalWrite(ISD_PD_pin, HIGH);       // disable/reset chip  
                        if ((RecMsgLength >= V_MiniMsgTime) and  (MaxMsgLenght == 0)) {      // only 'K' if effective message repeated
                        delay (300);
                        lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
                        // if (last_S_units == 0) sendmsg ("S0");  
                        if (last_S_units == 1) sendmsg ("S1");  
                        if (last_S_units == 2) sendmsg ("S2");  
                        if (last_S_units == 3) sendmsg ("S3");  
                        if (last_S_units == 4) sendmsg ("S4");  
                        if (last_S_units == 5) sendmsg ("S5");  
                        if (last_S_units == 6) sendmsg ("S6");  
                        if (last_S_units == 7) sendmsg ("S7");            
                        if (last_S_units == 8) sendmsg ("S8");  
                        if (last_S_units == 9) sendmsg ("S9"); 
                        if (last_S_units == 95) sendmsg ("S9+05");                        
                        if (last_S_units == 19) sendmsg ("S9+10");
                        if (last_S_units == 15) sendmsg ("S9+15");                           
                        if (last_S_units == 29) sendmsg ("S9+20"); 
                        if (last_S_units == 25) sendmsg ("S9+25");                      
                        if (last_S_units == 39) sendmsg ("S9+30"); 
                        if (last_S_units == 35) sendmsg ("S9+35");                         
                        if (last_S_units == 49) sendmsg ("S9+40"); 
                        lcd.setCursor(13, 0);                       
                        lcd.print("  K ");
                        delay (300);     
                        sendmsg ("K");
                        delay (100);
                        if (MaxMsgLenght == 1) {                          // play msg if OVERFLOW detected
                        delay (500);
                        sendmsg ("OVER");
                        delay (100);
                        if ((RecMsgLength < V_MiniMsgTime) and (RecMsgLength > 100) )   {      // if record too short play 'S'
                        delay (500);
                        sendmsg ("S");
                        delay (100);
                        digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);     // PTT disable
                        MaxMsgLenght = (0);                 // reset overflow indicator
                        TX_status = (0);
                        RPT_status = (1);                   // Now set beacon mode
                        Beacon_RQ = (0);
                        MaxMsgLenght = (0);
                        RPT_active = (1);                   // Repeater has played a msg and is considered 'active'
                        ActBeaconTime = millis();           // Reset the activity timer
                        last_S_units = (0);                 // Reset last S unit
                        loop ();
                        } // end message played routine
 } ////// END of PLAY  mode  /////////
///////////////////////////  B E A C O N    M O D E ///////////////////////////////

if (RPT_status == 1)  {                       // We are in BCN mode  

// Check for rollover millis() //

    //  4,294,967,295 = 49 days roll-over
    //  2,592,000,000 = 30 days roll-over
    //    604,800,000 = 7 days roll-over
    //     86,400,000 = 24 h roll-over
    // only reset while in BCN mode, not waiting for send BCN, freq clear, repeater not active

//    if ((millis() > 86400000) and (Beacon_RQ == 0) and (RxBusy == 0) and (RPT_active == 0)) softReset(); 
      if ((millis() > 2592000000) and (Beacon_RQ == 0) and (RxBusy == 0) and (RPT_active == 0)) softReset(); 

// Beacon Request //

  if (((millis() -  BeaconTime) > V_BeaconTime)) {    
         Beacon_RQ = (1);                     // A beacon must be generated, set Beacon Request = 1
  else {
              // Beacon_RQ = (0);                    //reset Beacon request  - uncomment --> no beacon at startup
              digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);     // Sure in RX mode !
              TX_status = (0);
// Beacon Send //

  if ((Beacon_RQ == 1) and (Clear_QRG == 1))  {
              Beacon_RQ = (0);                       //reset Beacon request
              // BeaconTime = millis();
              digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, HIGH);     // PTT enable
              TX_status = (1);
              delay(V_MsgDelayTime);               // Lead in delay
              sendmsg(RPT_call) ;                  //send call
              delay(7*DOTLEN) ;
              sendmsg("QRV") ;                       //send info
              delay(7*DOTLEN) ;
              sendmsg(RPT_ctcss) ;                 //send ctcss info
              delay(7*DOTLEN) ;
              sendmsg(RPT_loc) ;                   //send qth locator
              delay(3*DOTLEN) ;
              digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);     // PTT disable
              BeaconTime = millis();              // reset time beacon sent
              ActBeaconTime = millis();           // reset as well beacon time 'while active'
              A_Beacon_RQ = 0;                    // a full beacon was sent, cancel any pending request 
              TX_status = (0);
              Clear_QRG = (0);                      // Reset Free frequency indicator
              ClrQRGTime = millis ();             // Reset Clr QRG timer (inhibit immediate Re-TX)           


 update_display();   /// Every cycle, display is updated. In CW-TX mode also in the character send routine

}  ////////  E N D     L O O P    //////////

/////////////////////////    CW GENERATION ROUTINES  //////////////////////////
void dash() {
    delay(DOTLEN) ;
void dit() {
void send(char c) {
  int i ;
    if (c == ' ') {
    delay(7*DOTLEN) ;
    return ;
   if (c == '+') {
    delay(4*DOTLEN) ; 
    delay(4*DOTLEN) ; 
    return ;
  for (i=0; i<N_MORSE; i++) {
    if (morsetab[i].c == c) {
      unsigned char p = morsetab[i].pat ;
      while (p != 1) {
          if (p & 1)
            dash() ;
            dit() ;
          p = p / 2 ;
      delay(2*DOTLEN) ;
      wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer
      return ;
void sendmsg(char *str) {
  while (*str)
    send(*str++) ;
/////////////////////////////////////////////  UPDATE DISPLAY ROUTINES    //////////////////////////////////////////

void update_display() {

// First check if repeater still 'active' to generate a 'beacon while active'

if ((millis() - ActBeaconTime) >  V_RptActTime) {
            RPT_active = 0;
            A_Beacon_RQ = 0;
lcd.setCursor(5, 1);   // Show Active status in display
    if (RPT_active == 1) lcd.print("A");
    if ((RPT_active == 0) and (RPT_status < 90)) lcd.print(" ");

if ((RPT_active == 1) and (((millis() - ActBeaconTime) > V_ActBeaconTime)))  A_Beacon_RQ = 1;  // Beacon request valid

// 1st row, mode

      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   
      if (RPT_status == 0)   lcd.print("BOOT"); 
      if ((RPT_status == 1) and (RxBusy == 0) and (RxCTCSS == 0))  lcd.print("STBY");  // beacon mode
      lcd.setCursor(5, 0); 
      if ((PlayOnce == 1) and (Clear_QRG == 0) and ((millis() - RecEndTime) > V_ClrQRGTime)) lcd.print("H");  // Hold transmission
      if (PlayOnce == 0) lcd.print(" ");

      lcd.setCursor(6, 0); 
      if (MaxMsgLenght == 1) lcd.print("O");
      if (MaxMsgLenght == 0) lcd.print(" ");
      lcd.setCursor(9, 0);  
      if (RPT_status == 1)   lcd.print("BCN=");        // beacon mode   
      if ((RPT_status == 1)  and  (Beacon_RQ == 0)  and (TX_status == 0) )  { // we are in countdown mode
      lcd.setCursor(13, 0); 
            dummy = (V_BeaconTime + 500 - (millis() -  BeaconTime)) / 1000 ;  // countdown time in sec
            if (dummy >= 60) {
               dummy = dummy / 6 ;
               if (dummy < 100)  lcd.print(" ");
               if (dummy < 10)  lcd.print(" ");
               lcd.print((dummy/10), DEC);
               lcd.print((dummy)%10, DEC); 
               else {
               if (dummy < 100) lcd.print(" ");
               if (dummy < 10)  lcd.print(" ");           
      if (RPT_status == 2) {      // Record mode
             lcd.setCursor(9, 0); 
             dummy = (millis() -  RecMsgTime) / 1000 ;                      // countup  time in sec
               if (dummy < 100) lcd.print(" ");
               if (dummy < 10)  lcd.print(" ");           
      if (RPT_status == 3) {      // Play mode
            lcd.setCursor(9, 0); 
            dummy = (RecMsgLength - (millis() + 500 -  PlayStartTime)) / 1000 ;  // countdown time in sec
              if (dummy < 0) dummy = RecMsgLength / 1000;   // show play time before play has started
               if (dummy >= 0) {    
                 if (dummy < 100) lcd.print(" ");
                 if (dummy < 10)  lcd.print(" ");
      lcd.setCursor(13, 0);     
      if ((RPT_status == 1)and (Beacon_RQ == 1)) lcd.print("HOLD");     
      if ((RPT_status == 1)and (TX_status == 1)) lcd.print("SEND");       


// 2nd row , RX status

      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   
      if (TX_status == 0) {                  // update status while in RX
          if ((RxBusy == 1) and (RxCTCSS == 0)) lcd.print("BUSY"); 
          if (RxCTCSS == 1)                     lcd.print("TONE"); 
          if ((RxBusy == 0) and (RxCTCSS == 0)) lcd.print("    ");
          lcd.setCursor(0, 0);          
          if ((RxBusy == 1) or (RxCTCSS == 1)) lcd.print("-RX-");

    // We are in RX, now show the RSSI  

     LCD_refresh2 = LCD_refresh2 ++ ;  // refresh partially some LCD data
      if ((LCD_refresh2 >= 50) or (LCD_refresh2 == 0) ) {  //  refresh some data only every X cycles 
      LCD_refresh2 = (0); 

      lcd.setCursor(19, 1);  

      dummy = map(analogRead(RSS_pin),0,1023,0,500);  // 0 to 500
      if (  dummy <= uV_0  )  dummy = uV_0;  
      if (  dummy <= uV_02 )                         RSSI_uV = 1000 + map(dummy,uV_0,uV_02,0,20);     //  trick to display RSSI < 1  (should be float)
      if (( dummy > uV_02 ) and  ( dummy <= uV_05 ) )RSSI_uV = 1000 + map(dummy,uV_02,uV_05,20,50);   //  trick to display RSSI < 1  (should be float)
      if (( dummy > uV_05 ) and  ( dummy <= uV_1  ) )RSSI_uV = 1000 + map(dummy,uV_05,uV_1,50,100);   //  trick to display RSSI < 1  (should be float)
      if (( dummy > uV_1  ) and  ( dummy <= uV_2  ) )RSSI_uV = 1000 + map(dummy,uV_1,uV_2,100,200);   //  trick to display RSSI 1 .0 to 9.9  (should be float)
      if (( dummy > uV_2  ) and  ( dummy <= uV_5 ) ) RSSI_uV = 1000 + map(dummy,uV_2,uV_5,200,500);   //  trick to display RSSI 1 .0 to 9.9  (should be float)        
      if (( dummy > uV_5  ) and  ( dummy <  uV_10 ) )RSSI_uV = 1000 + map(dummy,uV_5,uV_10,500,1000); //  trick to display RSSI 1 .0 to 9.9  (should be float)          
      if (( dummy >= uV_10) and  ( dummy <= uV_20  ) )RSSI_uV = map(dummy,uV_10,uV_20,10,20);           
      if (( dummy > uV_20 ) and  ( dummy <= uV_50  ) )RSSI_uV = map(dummy,uV_20,uV_50,20,50);           
      if (( dummy > uV_50 ) and  ( dummy <= uV_100 ) )RSSI_uV = map(dummy,uV_50,uV_100,50,100);           
      if (( dummy > uV_100) and  ( dummy <= uV_200 ) )RSSI_uV = map(dummy,uV_100,uV_200,100,200);           
      if  ( dummy > uV_200) RSSI_uV = 500;            

      if (RSSI_uV < 1000) {                        // RSSI  > 9.9 µV
            if (RSSI_uV < 100)  lcd.print(" ");
            if (RSSI_uV < 10 )  lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.print(RSSI_uV, DEC);
            // now show the corresponding S report              
            lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
            if ((RSSI_uV >= 5)and(RSSI_uV <= 8))  {
                lcd.print("9   ");
                S_units = (9);}
            if ((RSSI_uV > 8)and(RSSI_uV <= 15))  {
                S_units = (95);} 
            if ((RSSI_uV >15)and (RSSI_uV <=27))  {
                S_units = (19);
            if ((RSSI_uV >27)and (RSSI_uV <= 49))  {
                S_units = (15);
            if ((RSSI_uV >49)and (RSSI_uV <= 88)) {
                S_units = (29);
            if ((RSSI_uV >88)and (RSSI_uV <= 159)) {
                S_units = (25);
            if ((RSSI_uV >159)and (RSSI_uV <= 280)) {
                S_units = (39);
            if ((RSSI_uV >280)and (RSSI_uV <= 499)) {
                S_units = (35);
            if ( RSSI_uV >499){
                S_units = (49);
      if (RSSI_uV >= 1000) {                      // RSSI between 0 & 9.9 µV
             RSSI_uV = (RSSI_uV - 1000) / 10 ;
             lcd.print((RSSI_uV/10), DEC);
             lcd.print((RSSI_uV)%10, DEC); 
              // now show the corresponding S report              
              lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
              if (RSSI_uV < 1) {
                lcd.print("0   ");
                S_units = (0);}        
              if (RSSI_uV == 1) {
                lcd.print("3   ");
                S_units = (3);}          
              if (RSSI_uV == 2) {
                lcd.print("4   ");
                S_units = (4);}         
              if ((RSSI_uV >= 3)and (RSSI_uV <= 5))   {
                lcd.print("5   ");
                S_units = (5);}    
              if ((RSSI_uV > 5) and (RSSI_uV <= 12))  {
                lcd.print("6   ");
                S_units = (6);}   
              if ((RSSI_uV > 12)and (RSSI_uV <= 24))  {
                lcd.print("7   ");
                S_units = (7);}         
              if ((RSSI_uV > 24)and (RSSI_uV <= 49))  {
                lcd.print("8   ");
                S_units = (8);}         
              if ((RSSI_uV > 49)and (RSSI_uV <= 159)) {
                lcd.print("9   ");
                S_units = (9);}      

           if ((S_units > last_S_units) and (PlayOnce == 0) )(last_S_units = S_units);  // memorize S meter readout, do not update if message waiting
       }  // end RSSI every x cycles 
    }   // end display update in RX mode

/////// update status while in TX MODE  /////////////////
      if (TX_status == 1) {  
          lcd.setCursor(0, 0);          
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  
          lcd.print("    ");
        LCD_refresh2 = LCD_refresh2 ++ ;  // refresh partially some LCD data
        if ((LCD_refresh2 >= 50) or (LCD_refresh2 == 0)  or (RPT_status == 1) ) {  //  refresh some data only every X cycles 
                                                                                   //  except in BCN mode, refresh every cycle
         LCD_refresh2 = (0); 
         lcd.setCursor(19, 0);  // P meter display 
         lcd.setCursor(19, 1);    
         Pout = map(analogRead(Po_pin), 0,1023,0,1000);  // @ 25w probe voltage = 2,50 v and 25w RF = 50v peak
         Pout = (Pout * Pout) / 1000 ;  //  now Pout on 50 Ohm in tenths of Watt
        if (Pout < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10w
        lcd.print((Pout/10), DEC);
        lcd.print((Pout)%10, DEC); 

        //test if RF output OK
        if ((Pout > Pmax) or (Pout < Pmin)) {       // we have RF Error !
        delay (300);                                // let's try again !
        Pout = map(analogRead(Po_pin), 0,1023,0,1000);  // @ 25w probe voltage = 2,50 v and 25w RF = 50v peak
        Pout = (Pout * Pout) / 1000 ;  //  now Pout on 50 Ohm in tenths of Watt       
                if ((Pout > Pmax) or (Pout < Pmin)) { 
                 RPT_status = (94);                 // we definitely have a RF error  

      // clear old data
      lcd.setCursor(17, 0);       
      lcd.print("  ");      
      lcd.setCursor(17, 1);       
      lcd.print("  ");  

     LCD_refresh = LCD_refresh ++ ;  // refresh partially some LCD data
     if ((LCD_refresh >= 200) or (LCD_refresh == 0) ) {  //  refresh some data (temp, voltage)only every X cycles 
          LCD_refresh = (0); 
          lcd.setCursor(8, 1);   // we read temperature 
          TEMP = int((Thermister(1023 - analogRead(NTC_pin))) + 0.5);       // Read temp 
          if ((TEMP > 65) or (TEMP < -15)){                    // We have a NTC error !
                     RPT_status = (95);
          if ((TEMP > 5) or (TEMP == 0)) lcd.print(" ");       // If temp more than +5° or zero, print space,
          if ((TEMP > 0) and (TEMP <= 5))lcd.print("+");       // If temp between 0° and +5°, print +
          // if temp < 0° the '-' will show up.         
          if (abs(TEMP)<10) lcd.print(" "); 
          if (TEMP >= 40) {
            digitalWrite(FAN_pin, HIGH);         // FAN ON
          // Test if FAN is effectively running
          wdt_reset();        // Reset Watchdog timer
          dummy = digitalRead (FAN_Pulse_pin);  // H = not running  /   L = running
          if (dummy == 1) {             // Fan just starting up ?
          delay(300);                   // wait to start...
          dummy = digitalRead (FAN_Pulse_pin);    // read again ! 
                 if (dummy == 1) {             // Fan definitely not running!
                      RPT_status = (96);
            lcd.setCursor(6, 1); 
          if (TEMP <= 38) {
            digitalWrite(FAN_pin, LOW);         // FAN OFF
            lcd.setCursor(6, 1); 
            lcd.print(" ");            
           if (TEMP >= 50) {
             delay (100);                       // sure no spike ?
             TEMP = int((Thermister(1023 - analogRead(NTC_pin))) + 0.5);       // Read temp 
              if (TEMP >= 50) RPT_status = (99); // overtemp ! 
         // Read power supply voltage
         lcd.setCursor(12, 1);          
         dummy = map(analogRead(Vcc_pin), 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1));
         if (dummy < 100)  lcd.print(" ");
         if (dummy < 10)  lcd.print(" ");
         lcd.print((dummy/10), DEC);
         lcd.print((dummy)%10, DEC); 
          if (dummy > 149)  RPT_status = (98); 
          if (dummy < 115)  RPT_status = (97); 


//////////   SQUELCH READ ROUTINE ////////

void squelchtest() {
  RxBusy = (0);                                     // assume RX is squelched, no signal

  if (analogRead(PRM_SQL_pin) < 720) RxBusy = (1);  // RX is unsquelched, change status ( < 3.5v) // GM350

  RxCTCSS = (0);                                      // assume RX is muted, no CTCSS

  if (analogRead(PRM_CTCSS_pin) < 720) RxCTCSS = (1);  // RX is unmuted, change status   ( < 3.5v) // GM350
  if ((millis() - BeepDropTime) < V_BeepDropTime) {   // keep record active after 'frequency busy' beep
   RxBusy = (1);   
   RxCTCSS = (1); 

//////////   ISD2560  RECORD MODE  ////////

void isd_start_record() {
  digitalWrite(ISD_PD_pin, HIGH);     // Power down chip to reset
  digitalWrite(ISD_mode_pin, LOW);    // RECORD mode
  ISD_status = (2);
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH);
  // tone(CW_pin,1300);   // send short beep to signal repeater is in record mode 
  // if (RPT_active == 1) digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, HIGH);     // PTT enable to send beep
  digitalWrite(ISD_PD_pin, LOW);       // enable & reset pointer chip
  // if (RPT_active == 1) delay(50);
  // digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);     // PTT disable
  BeepDropTime = millis();   // do not uncomment 
  // noTone(CW_pin);    
  digitalWrite(ISD_CE_pin, LOW);      // Start record
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);
  last_S_units = (0);                  // reset the S meter reading

void isd_stop_record() {
  ISD_status = (1);
  digitalWrite(ISD_CE_pin, HIGH);      // Stop record 
  digitalWrite(ISD_PD_pin, HIGH);       // disable/reset chip  

//////////   ISD2560  PLAY MODE  ////////

void isd_start_play() {
  digitalWrite(ISD_PD_pin, HIGH);      // Power down chip to reset
  digitalWrite(ISD_CE_pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ISD_mode_pin, HIGH);    // PLAY mode
  ISD_status = (3);  
  delay (20);
  digitalWrite(ISD_PD_pin, LOW);       // enable chip & reset pointer
  digitalWrite(ISD_CE_pin, LOW);      // Start play by pulse on CE
  digitalWrite(ISD_CE_pin, HIGH); 
  noTone(CW_pin);                     // end of signal beep at start of msg

////////////   RESET  CONTROLLER  //////////////

void softReset(){
  lcd.print("Resetting ... pls STBY"); 
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, HIGH);     // PTT enable
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);
  sendmsg(RPT_call) ;                  //send call  
  sendmsg(" RESET PLS STAND BY");      //send reset msg 
  digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);     // PTT disable
  digitalWrite(PRM_PWR_pin, LOW);     // power OFF RTX  
  digitalWrite(FAN_pin, LOW);         // FAN OFF
  asm volatile ("  jmp 0");          // start software from scratch

////////////   ERROR HANDLING //////////////

void ErrorHandling(){                 // Fatal errors

  if (ErrorTime == 0) {                 // The first time an error occured
  ErrorTime = millis();               // timestamp/flag  error occurance
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   
  lcd.print("     SYSTEM FAULT !     ");  
  digitalWrite(PRM_PWR_pin, LOW);     // power OFF RTX
  digitalWrite(PRM_PTT_pin, LOW);     // Just 2 be sure  
  digitalWrite(FAN_pin, LOW);         // FAN OFF
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  if (RPT_status == 94) lcd.print("    RF OUTPUT ERROR     ");  
  if (RPT_status == 95) lcd.print("     N T C   ERROR      ");     
  if (RPT_status == 96) lcd.print("    FAN NOT RUNNING     ");     
  if (RPT_status == 97) lcd.print(" POWER SUPPLY LOW VOLT  ");     
  if (RPT_status == 98) lcd.print(" POWER SUPPLY HIGH VOLT ");     
  if (RPT_status == 99) lcd.print("  TRANSCEIVER HIGH TEMP ");
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, HIGH);   
  digitalWrite(BUZZER_pin, LOW);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("                        ");
// generate time since occurance 

  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("   Since                ");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 1); 
  ErrorSinceSec = (millis() - ErrorTime)/1000;
  ErrorSinceDay = ErrorSinceSec / 86400;   // days
  ErrorSinceHr =  (ErrorSinceSec - (ErrorSinceDay * 86400)) / 3600;  // hours
  ErrorSinceMin = (ErrorSinceSec - (ErrorSinceDay * 86400) - (ErrorSinceHr * 3600)  ) / 60; // minutes
  ErrorSinceSec =  ErrorSinceSec - (ErrorSinceDay * 86400) - (ErrorSinceHr * 3600) - (ErrorSinceMin * 60) ; // seconds
  if (ErrorSinceDay < 10)  lcd.print(" ");
  if (ErrorSinceDay == 0)  lcd.print("   ");
  if (ErrorSinceDay > 0) {  
              lcd.print(ErrorSinceDay, DEC); 
              lcd.print("d "); 
  if (ErrorSinceHr < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(ErrorSinceHr, DEC); 
  if (ErrorSinceMin < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(ErrorSinceMin, DEC); 
  if (ErrorSinceSec < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(ErrorSinceSec, DEC); 
  lcd.print("s   ");  
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("                        ");  