
Abort      * ends connection, logindate NOT updated
BBs          search for specific mailboxes
Bye        * see ABORT
Check      * output CHECK-list (new messages in bbs)
CD           changes board
COmment      send a comment on a bulletin (addressed to board)
COMP         activate/deactivate huffman compression; also //COMP  
CONverse     start converse mode 
CP           see TRANSFER 
CS           output SORTED CHECK-list (new messages in bbs)
Directory  * display board list of bbs
Erase      * delete a mail
EXit         ends connection, logindate updated
FILEServer   starts file server mode
FInd         see BBS
HEAder       read only mail headers
Help       * get this help, HELP  gives more help on a command
LAnguages    display available languages
List       * display content of a board
Msg        * send a single text line to another user
MYbbs        enter your HomeBBS
Name       * enter your name
NExt         reads next mail
NOTboard     suppress boards in CHECK output
Password   * set/delete your password
PROMpt       change the bbs prompt
Quit       * ends connection, logindate updated
Read       * read messages
READLock     set access restrictions on your user board
REPly        reply to mail or bulletin (addressed to author)
Send       * send a mail
SETReply     marks a mail as 'replied'
SFStat       display S&F statistics
SFTest       test routing
SPEak        change user language
STARtup      enter startup commands (executed at login)
SYStem       start password login
TAlk         start a connect to another user
TIme         system time
TEll         remote request to another bbs
Transfer   * transfer mails; also CP
TTl          lifetime display
UNerase      unerase own mails
Usage      * display user infos
Version    * display version number
WAntboard    selection of boards for CHECK output

Multiple commands in one line separated by semicolons (;)

The output of this BBS can be interrupted at any time by typing 
a (blank)  or .

Ask your sysop for a complete documentation of DPBOX.