EMC268 Indecision can kill       Release 12/18/00

Indecision can kill a person who is indecisive as well as a
program being managed by an indecisive person.

Habitual indecision is a difficult challenge for those with that
situation. To keep putting off a decision that we know should be
made (once we have examined and analyzed the facts and options,
but are still indecisive) can become far more detrimental than
may be realized.

How is that? Because indecision is actually a decision to let
things remain as they are, coupled with the inner knowledge that
we didn't really make a determination that SHOULD have been made.
The cumulative effect can cause inner stress and serious draining
of body and mind energy which can result in a life-threatening
physical problem in the heart, stomach, organs, or glands under
"attack" from the stress of not making a decision that some other
part of oneself knows (like the subconscious) should be made and
which the mind is capable of making.

Deciding to "do nothing" about a situation that we know really
NEEDS a decision never really eases the situation although we may
think otherwise.  It really does the opposite. It puts subtle
internal pressures on the body and mind in addition to adversely
affecting those for whom we may be managers or be as the head of
a family or a business.

Managers who characteristically put off a decision on an issue
usually do so because they are afraid they may make a mistake.
One study indicated that 95% of what we "fear" never occurs, so
the odds are strongly in favor of those who move beyond such
fears. Decisive managers are willing to take risks with
assignments of tasks; to allow an employee or volunteer staffer
to make a mistake in doing a project or assignment, and to learn
from that process.

The risk of decision making is a part of managing, and the odds
are in a managers favor that he/she will make the best decision.
Decision creates an opportunity for something to happen. But by
making the decision, it's opens the way for a program to move,
change or do something that overcomes a problem. To let the
problem "simmer on the back burner" for months and years is a
clear indicator of a manager who is afraid to make the decision
for fear of possible adverse consequences.

Making decisions when they need be made allows life to be a lot
more fun, and our bodies become healthier as the "dross" of
indecision falls away. It can literally be transforming as it
releases latent capabilities that have otherwise been held back.
Making a difficult decision, and implementing it, can be one of
life's most rewarding experiences.          

Cary Mangum, W6WWW       

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