Eastern NC MS-150 2002

W4KJD's lunch stop setup
Portable digipeater mast
The Force12 antenna atop the digipeater mast
Kevin W4KJD tends the lunch stop on day 1.
A great lunch on day 1.
The crowd gathers to chow down.
Kevin's antenna farm at the back of the lunch stop.
Day 2's lunch stop is tended by Chuck K4HF (left).
Home-made ice cream!  A very welcome addition.
Chuck K4HF keeps an eye on the rest stop activities.
The 'Honolulu south' rest stop.
Elvis greets the riders headed in for lunch.
Gary KN4AQ as 'Motorcycle 2'.
Robin (yellow shirt) and Dr. Tsai (orange shirt) catch up.  Day 2 was relatively injury-free.
Kevin W4KJD tends rest stop 4.
Rest stop 5 in action.
The finish line awaits bikers at the end of the tour.
'Hotel Coleman' open for business.
The end of a long 2 days..
Bob K1RCB and some of the tour officials.
Left-to-right, Robin, Roxanne, and ? (help!)
Now HERE's a finish-line reward!
Our primary digipeater was set up from scratch, and performed well all weekend.

Copyright 2002 Andrew Peterson