A Field Trip to W6AM
in 1986

And now, the antennas!

The first two shots show the entry point for the feedlines

Mark WA6OTU (now N5OT) gazing at the installation
(person on extreme left)

No, that's not a power pole.
That's one of the antenna poles!

Can you imagine living in one of those homes on the edge of Don's antenna farm?
And a friend of yours comes to visit.
Friend: "What's that, a Southern California Edison substation?"
You: "Nah, that's just some ham radio guy's house."
Yeah. Some guy's. (hi)

And now you've seen some of what I saw that afternoon. Amazing stuff, huh?

I contacted Don a few years earlier, asking him if I could guest op his station in a contest. Don called me and apologized. He said that the station had become so complicated that only one person other than himself was permitted to operate it so as not to blow themselves up. I thought I was pretty savvy at the time and probably could have been successful at living through a contest operation there, but after visiting his shack, I can now fully appreciate his response.

But WAIT! There's more! Some shots taken by N8BJQ


Confirmed visitors that day:
N8BJQ, NE6I, W6MKB, WA6OTU, N6TJ (host), N6VI and many others. If you were there that day, please let me know.
Email me

Some great W6AM stuff passed along by Jim, N6TJ.

And other info and pictures passed along to me by others.

© 2006- Dennis Younker
All Rights Reserved.