# ============================================================================== # Filename: monrc.rc # Content: NUTS startup script parsed by uMON immediately after it starts # [IdentStart] Dataradio uMON gcu3 $Revision: 1.4 $ [IdentEnd] # ============================================================================== # Set variable MONFLAG set MONFLAGS nophdr:nopdf:noptftp:nopmcmd # Raise required level for all sensitive commands to 3 ulvl -cargv,3 ulvl -carp,3 #ulvl -cbbc,3 ulvl -ccall,3 #ulvl -ccast,3 ulvl -ccm,3 #ulvl -cdhcp,3 #ulvl -cdis,3 ulvl -cdm,3 #ulvl -cedit,3 #ulvl -cetest,3 ulvl -cether,3 ulvl -cexit,3 ulvl -cflash,3 ulvl -cfm,3 ulvl -cgrep,3 ulvl -cheap,3 ulvl -chistory,3 ulvl -cicmp,3 ulvl -cif,3 ulvl -citem,3 ulvl -clet,3 ulvl -cmd5sum,3 ulvl -cmstat,3 ulvl -cmt,3 #ulvl -cmtrace,3 ulvl -cping,3 ulvl -cpio,3 ulvl -cpm,3 #ulvl -cprof,3 ulvl -cread,3 ulvl -creg,3 #ulvl -creset,3 ulvl -csc,3 ulvl -cset,3 ulvl -csleep,3 ulvl -csm,3 #ulvl -cstrace,3 ulvl -ctftp,3 ulvl -ctfs,3 ulvl -cunzip,3 ulvl -cvpkg,3 #ulvl -cxmodem,3 # Get the version of BOOTuMON and put # it into the variable BOOTBUILT version -b -V BOOTBUILT # Calculate the MD5 checksum of UMON and BOOTuMON # and store values in environment variables UMON.BIN and BOOTUMON.BIN md5sum -V UMON.BIN md5sum -b -V BOOTUMON.BIN # Sets the PLATFORM variable # If BOARD is defined, then use it to define PLATFORM. # Otherwise, simply use PLATFORM as is. if $BOARD seq \$BOARD goto USE_PLATFORM # BOARD is not defined, use PLATFORM to identify BOARD set PLATFORM $BOARD # USE_PLATFORM: # Copy "autostart-gcu3.rc" to file ".autostart.brc" # Ignore errors if source file does not exist. A harmless error message # will be displayed but script will continue execution. # The FLASH will not be written again when the file has not changed since # the last boot. # The resulting file ".autostart.brc" will be automatically executed # after uMON has completed its initialization. # autostart.brc now replaces start.brc -tfs cp autostart-$PLATFORM.rc .autostart.brc # Execute hwconfig-gcu3.rc (if it exists) to complete # This script will complete the HW configuration tfs size hwconfig-$PLATFORM.rc SIZE if $SIZE seq \$SIZE goto END_HWCONFIG hwconfig-$PLATFORM.rc set SIZE # END_HWCONFIG: # Execute userconfig.rc (if it exists) to complete # user-specific configuration tfs size userconfig.rc SIZE if $SIZE seq \$SIZE goto END_USERCONFIG userconfig.rc set SIZE # END_USERCONFIG: # END_MONRC: # End of monrc.rc