My first tower went up soon after we moved in back in the summer of '98.  Thanks to a lot of help from some local hams and the members of the GMDXA I was able to get the whole project completed pretty quickly.

Here's a shot of the hole being dug.  I had the local utility pole contractor come out and auger in a 24" x 6' deep hole for the base of the tower.  They used the same boom truck to install three 8' helical anchors.  It took them about an hour to do what it would have taken me two full weekends to accomplish.  Very reasonable rates as well.
Here's some of the crew from the first tower party that summer. L-R: K4JA (W9JA), N9FH, K9ORN, W9VG, K9YNF.  Photo courtesy of W9XT.


The finished product - after two sessions the tower is up and the Pro-67 is ready to go - for a while anyway....  After enjoying my first decent antenna setup for a few months we had some 70MPH winds that trashed the Yaesu rotator I used to turn it.  It was late November and the idea of being QRT until spring (not to mention having the Yagi spinning like a pinwheel the whole time) was tough to swallow.
These guys were kind enough to come by and help me swap in a new rotator.  Here we have (L-R) N9JER, K9JRJ, WB9UAI, N9AU, W9VG and me in the smurf hat.  Despite the lack of snow and 30MPH winds, the operation was a success, 



W9VG and I are swapping hardware while N9AU supervises from a distance


In August of '99 there were a few changes and upgrades including the addition of a 5 element 6m Yagi built by WB9UAI and my old Cushcraft A3.  The tribander was mounted at 40' and fixed on Europe.

This is a shot of N9VA placing the 6m antenna on the mast. 

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