Darke County ARES

Established 2004 for serve Darke County, of West Central Ohio.



This Page is Under Construction

Please check back often for information on the Amateur Radio Emergency Service in Darke County.

Currently we are meeting in cooperation with the Treaty City Amateur Radio Association, W8UMD.

Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 7:30pm, in the Studebaker School,

on Route 49 just south of Greenville. Talk-in frequency is the 146.790 ( - ) N8OBE repeater.


The 146.790 repeater is operated by the TCARA and supported by the Darke County EMA.

This is also our county wide net frequency for our ARES operations, including our weekly net,

held each Monday evening at 7:00pm with KB8KNC Net Control.



Contact Information:

Adam T. Liette, N8YD  -  Emergency Coordinator

Aaron Orr, KC8PNY  -  Assistant Emergency Coordinator