Part 2

By Scott Laughlin / N7NET


A week later he announced he was driving to a neighboring town to retest for his Extra Class. I tagged along and I asked if he’d forgotten his calculator. He assured me he didn’t need one.

The session began, and Erie informed them he would need paper in order to do his calculations. They asked if he’d forgotten his calculator. He said he didn’t need one.

They said that the test included some very difficult math, but he told them he could manage.

Time came to a halt, and I soon began wishing I’d stayed home. By 1 o’clock everyone was gone except for Ernie. He was asking for another sheet of scratch paper and the examiners where fidgeting in their chairs.

I was hungry and bored out of my head by the time 4:30 arrived and Ernie handed in his answer sheet, along with the question booklet, and nine sheets of scratch paper.

He’d earned a perfect score, but he’d made no friends that day.

Part 3 next week