Emergency Communications Units - Information Bulletin
Emergency Management Agencies via Internet and Radio
FROM:Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) of the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services

Command Bill of Rights
EMC061 DATE: 01/06/97

By Dave Larton, N6JQJ, State ACS Training Officer and Webmaster; 911 Dispatcher with City of Gilroy

Much has been said in these bulletins, and elsewhere, of the "Volunteer's Bill of Rights," or, how volunteers expect to be treated. When volunteering, remember that the people you work for have a similar list of items that they expect from you. The following is condensed from a Basic Hostage Negotiations class taught recently in the Bay Area by Ray Birge, a former SWAT Commander with the Oakland, CA Police Department. They apply very well as basics that every volunteer should keep in mind, especially when working for a higher authority:

Command Bill of Rights:

  1. Give me options. The more options I have as a commander, the more of an informed decision I will be able to make.

  2. Don't destroy my career. Give me options that follow the rules, policies or procedures of my department.

  3. Promote dynamic tension. Play the devil's advocate when giving me options. What will happen if I follow this idea? What might occur if I don't follow the idea?

  4. Look Intelligent. Bring the proper equipment. Be prepared. Act the role you are supposed to be playing. Remember, people are watching all of us at all times.

  5. Be prepared to train the boss. Many times, the commander is the least informed of the entire team, yet he has to make some of the most crucial decisions. Give the boss the background as generally as you can. Be neutral.

  6. Keep me informed at all times. Don't hold any information back, no matter how trivial; it could prove to be extremely important later on.

  7. DON'T BREAK THE RULES! Should you elect to take a course of action that may potentially break the rules, let me know about it BEFORE you do it and get my OK! Remember Rules #2 and #3 above.

All volunteers benefit from adhering to these seven rules as your supervisor is counting on you to follow them.

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