YDXAOur Support Team

Like any DXpedition there are folks in the background who assist get various tasks accomplished from making travel arrangements, to teaching the kids how it will all work, to the webmaster.  Here is a little information about each of them.

Rob Lunsford KB8UEY
Jim Storms AB8YK
Rob and Jim are our webmasters for the Youth DX Adventure.  In addition to this Rob is also the QSL manager for the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (W8BI).  Rob was originally licensed in July 1994 as a Technician and upgraded to General in August 2007.  Rob is active in several contests and in working HF on all bands.  Rob is a native of the Dayton, OH area and currently works full time for Montgomery County and on the side as a Firefighter/EMT.  When not playing radio Rob enjoys camping and fishing.

Jim enjoys contesting and is a member of the HHARC VE team. Jim is a frequent member of the TI5N CQWW contest team. He enjoys contesting and DX’ing.  Originally licensed as a Technician in 2002 he upgraded to Extra in 2005.