N6ENV Feedback Form

It doesn't do anything now. I hope to get it going again in the future. Meantime, please try a regular email to the officers of your choice, back at the N6ENV Main Page.
Thank you.

Welcome to our Feedback/Suggestion page!

What's your name?
Email address:
What area do you live in:

Your Grid Square, 4 or 6 digit, if known, such as DM04, or DM04se:
Don't know yours? Find out easily! (Page will open in a separate window.)

Class of Ham License: Your callsign:

Are you an N6ENV Group member? Autopatch Member, Supporting Member, No.
Which N6ENV repeater(s) do you use most often?
I usually just listen in and don't talk much.
I monitor (on a scanner) and don't get on the air.

Please give us your comments!
Use as many lines as you like but please keep the lines at 60 characters or less (box size).

if you're ready, or to start over.

Thanks for taking the time to write!

Return to N6ENV Home Page.

rev 10/25/99 dgb