In 1999, I moved my radio shack from its original location on a second floor loft into a spare bedroom.  It was the first time I attempted to move all of my equipment and re-route all of the coax. It was quite a job!  Here are some different views of what that shack looked like. In retrospect, It was quite cluttered. But I had lots of fun with all the stuff and built quite a few projects in that shack.


In September of 2007 we moved to a new home. Finally my radio shack was on the ground floor! The move was a huge effort, forcing me to purge myself of some of my collection (a healthy event, it was really getting out of hand). Below are some views of the latest version of my radio shack. It's a bit neater, but still plenty of gear to play with.
Finally, I added a couple of other new features to my shack; DXCC CW and DXCC Mixed