APRSdigi for DOS

New version of APRSdigi (Digi20) to be released 1 July 2000

This page will be updated frequently, and will serve as a progress indicator for the APRSdigi software.
Check here often for new versions frequently, as this is a work in progress.

Screen shot of APRSdigi v11.5b

First of all what is APRSdigi?
APRSdigi is a software based digipeater that can use any KISS mode TNC and a basic DOS based PC to perform the same functions as higher priced TNC's. APRSdigi is written in QBASIC PRO version 4.5 and designed for Ms-DOS systems. Some users are currently experimenting with running APRSdigi in a LINUX system using VMWare.
  1. WIDEn-n routing
  2. TRACEn-n routing
  3. Callsign substitution
  4. Dynamic route alteration of Mic-Encoder packets
  5. On-the-fly compression can reduce the size of packets on the air by compressing NMEA sentences seen from stand alone trackers. This has the potential to double or triple the effective throughput in a given channel.
  6. Monitors channel activity and publishes the average channel usage every 10 minutes with the normal ID's.
  7. Supports 2 serial ports and multi port TNCs such as the KPC9612 and Kam Plus.

What can't it do?
It will not digipeat connected type packets.

What do I need to run it?
Minimum Equipment
  1. PC compatible 286 or higher running Ms-DOS 3.3 or higher
  2. 1MB of RAM
  3. 1 serial port
  4. TNC capable of KISS operation
  5. Transceiver

The current release works with two serial ports at a top speed of 9600 baud.
The second serial port can be configured to use a second KISS type TNC, or as an output to another PC (This allows users to run their normal APRS software thru the aprsdigi. The connection is made with a null modem cable. Any packets recieved from the KISS TNC are decoded and sent to the 2nd serial port as plain text. In this way, your normal APRS software (ie: APRS, WINAPRS, and APRS+SA) can all gain access to the RF network via the aprsdigi software.)

What's in the future?
  1. Remote transmit disable/enable
  2. Delay digipeating a packet. To reduce multiple digipeats from local WIDEs.
The following items have been removed from the wish list...
After careful thought.. I felt these were outside the current scope of APRSdigi's simple functions.
  1. Menu Interface
  2. More comports
  3. Non-standard comports and IRQ's
  4. Support for BAYCOM modems
  5. Support for DRSI cards
  6. Weather stations
  7. Respond to ?aprs? queries for stations that can't.

Known Problems, Bugs, and Undocumented Features

Download Area

Please keep in mind that the software on this site is constantly under development. It is placed here as a convieniance to the beta testers and others who may be interested. This first public release of the code does have known problems, but none very serious. The code is stable and won't crash your PC. The main problem is that the TNC interface does not have a command mode, only a converse mode. On the fly compression have been disabled also. Please read the APRSDIGI.INI file for details, and make sure your TNC is already in KISS mode before running the software.

Downloads: Versions not recommended for use and removed from availability:

Front-line support and all future versions has been handed to Tj Johnston, N4UYQ
Questions, Bug-reports, and suggestions? Email me: [email protected]

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