Amateur Radio Service Repeaters
Haywood County, NC Waynesville, NC

147.3900 Repeater
 444.4500 Repeater
927.6625 Repeater
Repeater Maps
Repeater Status
Welcome to the N4DTR Website!
Over the next few weeks I plan to update and fix up the website. It's long overdue for me to do so, and I need to update all the repeater pages to reflect the changes that have taken place over time.

This website will be an effort to provide all the N4DTR repeater information as well as to provide links and resources for the home brewers and innovative thinkers. 

        Please check back often for new links and resources to be added.


Haywood County ARES Information

 N4DTR's 4Star Links
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Autopatch Information
Email Me
© 2000 - 2008