CW Abbreviations

AA   all after         GM   good morning      QKY  quickly        
AB   about             GN   gone              QT   quite          
ABB  abbreviate        GNI  good night        QTN  quotation      
ABBD abbreviated       GP   group             QTY  quantity       
ABBG abbreviating      GS   guess             QSN  question       
ABBN abbreviation      GT   great             R    are            
ABD  aboard            GV   give              R    roger          
ABS  absent            GVT  government        RCD  received       
ABV  above             H    has               RCV  receive        
ACG  according         HAP  happy             RCR  receiver       
ADR  address           HB   have been         RD   read           
ADS  address           HP   hope              RDY  ready          
AF   after             HPN  happen            RFU  refuse         
AFN  afternoon         HR   here              RG   regular        
AGN  again             HV   have              RHT  right          
AK   acknowledge       HVR  however           RJ   reject         
ALW  always            HVU  have you          RKO  record         
AMT  amount            IFN  information       RMB  remember       
AO   at once           IM   immediately       RPY  reply          
APC  appreciate        IN   indication        RR   railroad       
AR   answer            IMY  immensely         RT   are the        
AVB  available         IMT  immediate         RU   are you        
AY   any               IP   improve           RY   railway        
AYB  anybody           ITD  intend            SAT  saturday       
AYG  anything          IW   it was            SD   should         
AX   ask               J    by which          SDY  sunday         
B    be                JF   justify           SH   such           
BC   because           JGM  judgement         SIG  signature      
BCNU be seeing you     JN   join              SJ   subject        
BD   board             JR   junior            SKJ  schedule       
BF   before            JT   just              SM   some           
BFL  beautiful         K    out of the        SMG  something      
BFT  breakfast         KD   kind              SND  send           
BH   both              KGNS congratulations   SPO  suppose        
BK   break             KMN  communication     SPZ  surprise       
BKN  broken            KP   keep              STD  standard       
BLDG building          KPPG cooperating       STN  station        
BN   been              KU   continue          STO  store          
BS   best              KW   know              SUGN suggestion     
BTN  between           LAF  laugh             SUY  saturday       
BTR  better            LG   long              SVC  service        
BUN  bulletin          LIC  license           SVL  several        
BV   believe           LK   like              SYS  system         
BZ   business          LOV  love              T    the            
C    see               LTR  letter            TBL  trouble        
C    yes               LUK  look              TDY  today          
CA   came              LV   leave             TFK  traffic        
CD   could             LVG  leaving           TG   thing          
CDRY considerably      M    more              TGR  together       
CDX  condition         MAB  maybe             THD  thursday       
CF   chief             MB   maybe             TI   time           
CFM  confirm           MD   made              TM   them           
CFUD confused          MDA  monday            TMP  temperature    
CHC  chance            MFG  manufacturing     TN   then           
CHG  charge            MH   much              TND  thousand       
CHN  children          MK   make              TNI  tonight        
CLD  called            MMY  memory            TNK  think          
CLDY cloudy            MNG  morning           TR   there          
CLR  clear             MO   month             TS   this           
CK   check             MS   most              TSE  these          
CM   come              MSJ  message           TT   that           
CNCD concerned         MSK  mistake           TU   thank you      
CNDS conditions        MST  must              TUY  tuesday        
CTD  connected         MSY  mostly            TW   tomorrow       
CPI  copy              MTG  meeting           TWM  tomorrow mornin
CPT  complete          MTR  matter            TWV  tmw even       
CQY  correctly         MVG  moving            TX   this is        
CY   copy              MVM  movement          TY   they           
D    in the            N    not               U    you            
DA   day               NA   name              UCN  uncertain      
DAU  daughter          NBR  neighbor          UF   unfortunate    
DD   did               ND   need              UFBY unfavorably    
DDNT did not           NI   night             UK   understand     
DE   from              NIL  nothing           UKN  unknown        
DEG  degree            NR   near              ULY  usually        
DFC  difference        NTG  nothing           UN   until          
DFT  different         NUM  number            UPN  upon           
DG   doing             NUMD numbered          UR   your           
DLD  delivered         NUP  newspaper         V    of which       
DNR  dinner            NV   never             VB   valuable       
DOLS dollars           NW   now               VCY  vicinity       
DT   dont              NX   next              VET  veteran        
EA   each              O    of                VKN  vacation       
EH   either            OFN  often             VOL  volume         
EJO  enjoy             OFS  office            VSB  visible        
ENH  enough            OFY  officially        VSR  visitor        
EQM  equipment         OFC  officer           VST  visit          
ES   and               OG   organize          VU   view           
ESPY especially        OJ   object            VY   very           
EU   Europe            OP   opportunity       VYG  voyage         
EV   ever              OPR  operator          W    with           
EXA  extra             OTH  other             WB   will be        
EXK  expect            OV   over              WDA  wednesday      
EXQ  excuse            OWG  owing             WD   would          
EYB  everybody         OWZ  otherwise         WDF  wounderful     
EYG  everything        P    per               WEA  weather        
F    of the            PAP  paper             WF   wife           
FER  for               PB   probable          WG   wrong          
FM   from              PBM  problem           WGT  weight         
FO   for               PBY  probably          WH   which          
FQ   frequent          PC   percent           WI   will           
FRI  friday            PD   paid              WK   week           
FRV  forever           PFD  preferred         WL   well           
FRW  forward           PFT  perfect           WLD  world          
FS   first             PKJ  package           WN   when           
FU   few               PLS  please            WO   who            
FW   follow            PLSR pleasure          WRD  word           
G    from the          POX  police            WT   what           
GA   good afternoon    PSK  prospect          WTV  whatever       
GA   gave              PW   power             X    in which       
GD   good              Q    on the            XJ   explain        
GG   going             QA   qualify           Y    year           
GL   good luck         QAY  quality           YA   yesterday      
GLS  girls             QK   quick             Z    from which