Dutchess County Special Olympics '04

On Saturday May 8, the MBARC provided public safety and emergency communications for the Dutchess County Special Olympics. The day was great, just perfect for the athletes, with no rain, a nice breeze, and temperatures in the low 60's . Thank you to the following stations that donated their time to help make this event successful and safe

KC2LUR   Janet ,          KC2LIV   Xen ,        KB2ZE    Don,    KC2KZB   Jim & Robin (no call yet)

WA2PUQ  Stan,      N2ZKX   Rich,   KE4ZNU   Ed

Thank you all for a job well done.


The Boss

The John Jay Football Team making lunch

The John Jay Football Team making lunch

The John Jay Football Team making lunch

The John Jay Football Team making lunch

The John Jay Football Team making lunch

The John Jay Football Team making lunch

Morning signup


Ray & Xen KC2LIV

A group of volunteers

A young volunteer

KC2LIV Xen, Shadowing Ray

Putting the shot

A group photo

Good job

Good job

Jim & Robin


A triumphant athlete

A canine spectator

Another proud winner

Red, white, & blue baloons greeted everyone

KC2KZB Jim, & his wife Robin at the "Med-tent"

More winners

Going home with a metal

Relay runner

Relay runner

Ready for the handoff

Relay runner