MBARC ham of the year                


june 2004 - june 2005


I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize and honor Mr. Finn Poulsen, WB2UWU as the Mount Beacon Ham of the Year 2004 thru 2005, and present him with this plaque & certificate of appreciation. Finn has consistently demonstrated his love for both Amateur Radio and the MBARC. I’m sure y’all know Finn (but if you don’t please make it a point meet him and talk with him), he was first licensed in Denmark as OZ7PO in 1947. Finn moved to the United States in the early 1950’s and settled in Chicago, where he worked as an electronics tech for the airline industry. He ended up working for IBM and living in the Hudson Valley. Finn deserves our recognition for being one of the hardest working members of the MBARC, just a few of the things he does for the club and ham radio are, he gets on the air and keeps the repeater alive, he is a member of the engineering committee, does a great job at maintaining the clubs website , religiously checks in every week to the MBARC on air meetings and supplies the Hudson Valley with our weekly “Amateur Radio Newsline QST”, Finn serves as a “control operator” for the 146.970 repeater, but most important he gets on the air and welcomes new people and talks to them about the club and it’s activities.


Tonight is Finn’s night, there are a number of deserving people in the area that work hard for the MBARC and Amateur Radio, and I hope this award will be something that continues annually for many years to come.


Please stand and put your hands together for a round of applause to honor the Mount Beacon Ham of the Year for 2004-2005


My friend and fellow ham Mr. Finn Poulsen WB2UWU


   Thank you  



Finn WB2UWU, & wife Lilli with plaque

Finn, Don, Lilli, & Heidi

Finn holding his certificate

Ham of the Year

Rich N2ZKX presenting plaque to Finn WB2UWU

Adam KC2DAA with Birthday cake

Finn blowing out the candles (Adam didn't put on all 80)

Finn's 80th Birthday Cake

Don W2PTF, Finn WB2UWU, & Lilli (no call sign .....yet)

Heidi, Finn, & Lilli......A very Happy family

Bill KC2LIX, Ed N2JBA, Dennis NC2F, & Pete N2YJZ

Rich, Lilli, & Finn