Don't forget to register for the Second Annual XARC FOX HUNT which

will be held this coming Saturday September 27th rain or shine.


Included with this note are hunt logistics, rules and an entry form for

the event.


In addition to the hunt and prizes for first, second and third place

finishers we will have pizza, "drinks", and a real treat, N2PB's

FAMOUS venison chili!!


Don't miss what is sure to be a really great time.


Huntmasters....... Fred and Judy


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Xerox Amateur Radio Club Foxhunt


Saturday, September 27, 1997



Webster Park

Valley View Lodge



This event, which will be begin at the Webster Park Valley View Lodge, will be an opportunity for fun, food, fellowship and... Fox Finding! The theme of this gathering will be to find a transmitter hidden somewhere in the surrounding countryside. All Xerox amateurs, their families and friends are welcome! You do not need to be a radio amateur to participate, but a 2 meter FM receiver of some sort will be required. All the information you need to know about this event is included in this printed package. Also attached is information on building fox hunting tools. If you need another copy, contact Fred Miller @ 422-9126 or Judy Stonehill @ 422-7844. We hope you can attend the hunt!




Judy Stonehill N2KXS

Fred Miller WO2P


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Fox Hunt Rules:


  1. Fox frequency is 146.565 MHz.
  2. Mode will be FM phone; polarization vertical; transmissions intermittent.
  3. Transmitting on the fox frequency is prohibited.
  4. All participants will convene at the designated place and time for the start of the hunt.
  5. The fox will be located within a 10 mile radius of the starting location.
  6. Unlawful trespass is prohibited. The fox will be located in an area open to the public.
  7. Hunts will be conducted from the vehicle of your choice.
  8. One hunt vehicle will be allowed per hunt team.
  9. You may form a team of any size including a team of one.
  10. You may communicate with other teams, but this is a competition, be wary of advice!
  11. Fox signal must be copyable at the start of the hunt by the consensus of all present.
  12. Traffic misdemeanors during the hunt disqualify you. (No traffic felonies either!)
  13. Upon finding the fox, contact the huntmaster via the Xerox repeater (145.29 -).
  14. In your victory transmission, relay only the info requested. (others are still looking!)
  15. Defacing, altering, moving, hiding, obscuring (etc!) the fox is prohibited.
  16. An award will be presented to the first three teams to find the fox.
  17. To ensure good humor and fair play, huntmasters may make additional rules.
  18. All decisions of the huntmasters are final.

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Hunt Logistics:


Meet at:

Webster Park Valley View Lodge

Saturday, September 27

11:30 AM


A possible set of events for the day:

11:30 Gather, test equipment, collect unpaid fees!


12:00-1500 HUNT! HUNT! HUNT! Find the FOX, call in on 145.290 repeater

and answer questions posed by the huntmasters.

1500 Most everyone has found the fox and is at the picnic.

1501 Recall remaining hunters to Valley view location for pizza and drinks.

1530 Much gloating, grinching and the awards ceremony.

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Fox Hunt Hints and Tips:


Haste makes waste. Most successful hunters are the ones that make careful and thoughtful decisions, not the one who can drive the fastest.


Though you can succeed with only an HT, simple directional antennas will greatly enhance your ability to find the fox. A ZL Special (a two-element, 180 out-of-phase, folded dipole) in about 20 minutes. A tin foil reflector for an HT takes about 2 minutes to build. Plans for these and other simple antennas are in a package being distributed to anyone with a Xerox internal mail address registered with the club.


A compass and maps of the region will help you triangulate the fox. Taking bearings on a repeater of known location will help you calibrate yourself. (Anyone not know our repeater is downtown on Xerox Square?)


Attenuators are nice for reducing signal strength when you get close to the fox. Plans for attenuators are in the package. Some of you may be able to buy or borrow fixed value attenuators used with oscilloscopes. If you don't have an attenuator, tuning slightly off frequency can be used to achieve a similar effect.


When you get close, you'll be "sniffing" the fox on foot. "Body fade", holding an HT to your chest while slowly turning around, may be a helpful method. When the signal strength is lowest, the fox is probably behind you.


While sniffing, you may find a large diameter metal tube (e.g. oatmeal box covered in tin foil) helpful for knocking down the signal. Control the attenuation by the depth the HT is lowered into the tube with its lanyard. Assess signal strength via the amount of quieting of the audio.


Good luck!

Judy and Fred

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Entry form for September 27, 1997 Foxhunt:



Your name: Callsign:

Team member name: Callsign (if any):

Team member name: Callsign (if any):

Team member name: Callsign (if any):

Team member name: Callsign (if any):

Names of other family/friends attending the picnic:

Pre registration cost $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for children
Includes picnic food and drink, park facilities and equipment.
Checks may be made payable to XARC.

Mail or deliver by September 26 to:

Judy Stonehill, Xerox mail stop 0129-38A

Bldg. 129, Office 131E-D, phone 422-7844


Fred Miller, Xerox mail stop 0128-53E

Bldg. 128, Office 146, phone 422-9126


Late entries ($8.00) accepted ‘til 1145 the day of the hunt!

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