From: "Robert Karz"

Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 22:11:06 -0400

Subject: [xarc] Very Preliminary Field Day Results - we set another record

XARC Members and Friends,


Another GREAT Field Day is history. Those who attended had a great time,

and for those who missed it, there's always next year. The weather

cooperated for a change (no rain and warm night) and band conditions were

quite good, escpecially considering the geomagnetic storm mid week.


Preliminary results indicate 1225 QSOs including 734 CW and 491 phone. This

is actually slightly fewer QSOs than last year's record (1238 - my mistake)

but since we had 79 more CW QSOs (734 this year vs 655 last year), we will

have more points. The GOTA station contributed 147 SSB QSOs many times our

best showing with the old Novice/Tech.


With the rules changes, we will have more bonus points than last year (I

expect most clubs will), but even without the additional points, the club

would have set a record.


I'd also like to thank everyone involved for making my job as FD chair a

real pleasure. Its a true team effort.


Nice job everyone. Only 363 days until FD 2003!




Bob Karz, K2OID

FD Chair