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What do I do with Ham Radio? Robotics…

Currently I am working on a project called LSMETS (Large Scale Mobile Experiment Test System)

Also known as pathfinder in honor of the Mars Pathfinder Mission developed by NASA.

I decided to design and build pathfinder as a way to integrate Robotics with ham radio. At first I wasn’t sure how to do it,

but then I came up with LSMETS.

Pathfinder is a system that uses onboard navigation, and Object Collision Avoidance to find its way between two points.

This project is in its infancy. Most of the systems that will be used are still under construction. I hope to have a basic working model together some time in the summer.

What does this have to do with HAM Radio? DATA TELEMETRY.

 I intend to have two transmitters on board. One transmitter will send position (APRS), and another will relay measured data.


Check back for updates. I don’t know how often I will be changing this page, but I will update it as time goes on.


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