The Studio

Now this really brings back memories! This is the new set as it appeared back in the days of "Dennis Shreefer" circa 1976-77? Three podiums and three awful shade of brown if I recall accented by an even yuckier shade of tan. John Gallos's weather map hangs in it's glory along with the mile-a-minute teleprompter off to the left for Stan Olenick.

Further off to the left was Nancy Welch's cooking set. A stove, kitchen table and fake kitchen wallpaper. Notice the stove mirror to get those famous kettle shots. We were known at time to rub butter over the stove elements so that they would smoke up a storm when she would daringly go on live. The best one was when we used to put popcorn under the elements to scare the hell out of her!

An old RCA TK-something...44's? Here with teleprompter monitor (less mirror). How do you like that CBS eye drop?

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