
How many active languages are there in the world?
According to recent estimates, the number of actively spoken languages in the world today is around 6,000. More than 1,400 of those languages belong to the Niger-Congo family from Africa, and about 1,200 are in the Austronesian family from Madagascar, Indonesia, Australia, the Pacific Islands, and New Zealand. Most of today's active languages are spoken by very few people, and many of them are losing speakers rapidly as the world becomes more and more connected. Half of today's languages have fewer than 10,000 speakers, and a quarter have fewer than 1,000. Thousands of years ago, there may have been as many as 10,000 active languages in the world. Within the next century, thousands of languages may be lost. More about the disappearing languages of the world  http://www.sciam.com/1998/0398issue/0398scicit6.html
A directory for sites about native languages around the world
More Facts about languages

How is glass made into perfectly flat panes?
The very first flat glass was made by the Romans, who rolled partly melted glass on a flat surface, or cast it into molds. The resulting small panes were cloudy and uneven, but they were transparent. Through the late 1800s, flat glass was made with the Crown method in which blown spheres were reheated, punctured, and spun into a nearly flat disc. These circular panes had a defect at the center called the bullion. In the early 1900s, rolled glass panes were produced by factory machines. But in 1959, a new method made all the rest obsolete. Today, optically clear panes are made by the "Pilkington float" method. Molten glass is poured onto the surface of a bath of molten tin, under a chemically controlled atmosphere. The glass spreads out into a perfectly flat layer and solidifies into a clear pane. More about glassmaking  http://www.glassonline.com/history.html
The Corning Museum of Glass
More Facts about glass

Is it bad luck to walk under a ladder?
Most people walk around a ladder, because walking underneath is thought to bring bad luck. While we don't know if the superstition is actually true, we do know how it got started. A ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle with the wall and the ground. That three-pointed shape was seen in medieval times as an example of the mystic number three, a sign of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). To walk through that triangle was thought to be a defiance of the Trinity, risking divine wrath. Of course, it's also true that if you walk under a ladder, someone on the ladder might accidentally drop a bucket of paint or a hammer on you. We suggest caution in all investigations of this superstition. Thoughtful advice on how to use ladders safely  http://www.swmed.edu/home_pages/library/consumer/ladders.htm
Do black cats cause bad luck? A scientific study

Who was the world's first paleontologist?
The first person who conducted a detailed scientific investigation of fossils was Nicholas Steno, physician to the Duke Of Florence. Steno is also known as the "Father of Paleontology." In 1667, he published a book called "The Head Of A Shark Dissected" in which he compared the teeth of caught sharks to stones dug out of soft rocks on Malta. He concluded that the stones were actually the teeth of extremely large sharks. Steno's book contained the first known published illustration of a fossil. Nicholas Steno's work is important because it helped to establish the modern scientific view of geological history, in which Earth was formed billions of years ago and has undergone tremendous changes since then. The changing view of Earth's geological history (a detailed account)
The former owners of Steno's huge teeth were extinct megatooth sharks
A Fact about the megatooth sharks

Why are cats' tongues so rough?
A cat's tongue is actually a very sophisticated cleaning device, in addition to its other functions. It is covered with tiny, hooklike, backward-pointing extensions called papillae, something like one half of a velcro connector. When it cleans its fur by licking with its tongue, a cat is pulling these hooks through the fur. As the hooks pass through, they pick up dirt and skin flakes, and more importantly, any fleas, flea eggs, or other skin parasites that might be present. The cat swallows these along with any loose hair, and they are killed by the strong acid in the cat's stomach. The cat's tongue is also important for eating, of course. In nature, cats use their rough tongues as efficient tools for scraping the flesh from the bones of their animal prey. Cats, tongues, taste, and eating
More Facts about tongues

Who built the first self-propelled car?
In 1769, the French military engineer Nicholas Cugnot built the first self-propelled car, a gigantic steam-driven device to pull field artillery. The three-wheeled vehicle could go a whopping four kilometers an hour (about 2.5 mph) while carrying a cannon and four people. In 1784, William Murdoch built a lighter, faster car using a Watt steam condenser engine, but the engine was large and it was not very powerful. In 1802, Trevithick and Evans built a car using a high-pressure steam engine, but it was also not a success. It was not until 1804, when Trevithick put one of his steam engines into a railroad car, that steam transportation became practical. Steam engines then quickly replaced the horses that were used to pull railway carriages. A history of the automobile
Some of the very first steam vehicles
More Facts about automobiles

What were the largest crocodiles that ever lived?
According to the fossil record, the largest crocodilians that ever existed were the gigantic Deinosuchus ("terrible crocodile"), which lived during the late Cretaceous (85 to 66 million years ago). These giant semi-aquatic predators may have grown as long as 15 meters (50 feet). During that time, a shallow sea called Tethys covered much of what is now the central United States. Deinosuchus lived in swamps and estuaries along the edges of the Tethys Sea, where it was probably able to capture and devour even large dinosaurs. Deinosuchus was a distant ancestor of modern crocodiles and alligators. Few fossils of it have been found, but one skull is almost six feet long (two meters). How big were they? Check out these paintings
More about Deinosuchus
More about crocodilians
More Facts about giant reptiles

What was the first hard disk memory device?
The world's first hard disk memory storage device was IBM's 350 RAMAC Disk File (Random Access Method of Accounting and Controlling), first offered in September, 1956. The 350 RAMAC was the first storage device with random access to large volumes of data. (Random access means that any of the data is available in a short time.) It used fifty 24-inch (61-cm) platters, holding 5 million 7-bit characters of data (roughly equivalent to 4.9 megabytes). It could be leased for $35,000 per year. At the end of 1999, it was possible to buy a 50-gigabyte (50 billion bytes) hard disk for less than $1,600. That's more than ten thousand times as much storage as the 350 RAMAC, and the device itself is much more reliable and much faster. More about the 350 RAMAC and other early memory devices  http://www.tcm.org/html/history/detail/1956-ramac.html
More Facts about computers and information  http://www.cool-fact.com/archive/1998/01/15.html

Why did the Tower Of Pisa tilt to one side?
On August 9, 1173, construction began of a beautiful new bell tower at Campo dei Miracoli (Field of Miracles), Pisa, Italy. By the time the first meter and a half (five feet) of the base was complete, it was clear that it was tilting. Over the next two centuries, construction was halted and restarted several times. The upper floors of the tower were built askew, in an attempt to adjust for the tilt. As a result, the tower bends upward, as if trying to overcome gravity. The tower's tilt was caused by uneven sinking of its foundation into sandy, marshy soil. It continued to lean further every year, until recent excavations and reinforcements were made. Work continues to ensure that the beloved Leaning Tower will never fall.
More about the Leaning Tower of Pisa  http://www.endex.com/gf/buildings/ltpisa/ltpisa.html
More Facts about tall buildings

How do transgenic crops resist pests and weed killers?
Have you heard about the new transgenic crops? Some of them can resist weed killing chemicals, and some are resistant to insect pests. The secret of transgenic crops is that they contain genes taken from other life forms. For example, a new kind of corn contains a gene taken from a bacterium that normally lives inside insects, killing them. The bacterial gene creates a protein that poisons the insects, and when it is present in the corn plant it creates the same protein, which kills any insects that try to eat it. Transgenic crops are being tested all around the world, but many people are worried about the results. There are several ways that growing such crops might lead to ecological problems, and no one knows what the real risks are. A good introduction to the risks and benefits of transgenic crops  http://whyfiles.news.wisc.edu/shorties/crop_weed.html
A much more technical analysis
Today's Word is transgenic

Where are the hottest volcanoes in the solar system?
The hottest known volcanoes are on Jupiter's moon, Io. The lava that emerges from Io's volcanoes can be as hot as 1800 degrees Kelvin (1527 degrees Centigrade), about one third as hot as the surface of the Sun. The heat of Io's volcanoes is generated by the tidal flexing of the moon under the gravitational stress of Jupiter and two of its other moons, Europa and Ganymede. As Io orbits Jupiter it changes shape slightly, and its interior is heated. Although Io's interior is utra-hot, its surface is very cold. Gas emitted from the volcanoes arcs high into the vacuum of space, where it freezes into fine snow and falls back down to Io, coating its surface with multicolored deposits.
More about Io and its super-hot volcanoes
More Facts about volcanoes

Where is the longest known underground river?
The longest known underground river was recently discovered in the remote mountains of Vietnam. It's the Son Trach River, which runs underground for an astonishing seven miles (11 km) through a gigantic cave called Hang Khe Rhy (Grass Stream Cave). The expedition that discovered and partially mapped the Son Trach River spent twelve days underground, plunging through ice-cold rushing water and painstakingly mapping every curve and grotto they found. Son Trach River and Hang Khe Rhy cave form part of the Phong Nha massif, a geological unit that contains some of the world's most spectacular karst limestone formations. The caves, passages, and above-ground formations in karst areas are formed by the action of water, which dissolves parts of the rock while leaving other parts behind. The discovery of Son Trach River  http://www.destinationvietnam.com/dv/dv29/dv29g.htm
A guide to caves in Vietnam, curiously translated  http://www.batin.com.vn/dbotweb/resorts/areas/caves.htm

Why are pretzels shaped like knots?
Traditionally, pretzels are made out of long strips of dough folded over into a loose, trefoil knot before being baked. They have been shaped this way since the seventh century. Thought to bring good luck and prosperity, pretzels have been called the world's oldest snack food. Invented by monks, pretzels carry deep, religious meanings. The folded strips of dough resemble the folded arms of someone who is praying in the usual manner in those days, while the three holes represent the Christian Holy Trinity. In medieval times, pretzels were given to children as rewards for learning their prayers. Today, they have lost the religious meanings, but pretzels are still among the world's most popular snacks. Twist and bake your own pretzels (crunchy or soft!)  http://kidshealth.org/kid/games/recipe/pretzels.html
Visit the Pretzel Museum in Philadelphia
Today's Word is pretzel

Are people normally radioactive?
Humans are constantly bathed in a sea of nuclear radiation, from many sources. Such radiation is measured in units called millirems (mrem), and typically each human receives about 300-400 mrem per year. A measurable part of that (30-40 mrem/year) comes from within our own bodies. An essential nutrient called potassium always contains a fraction of radioactive atoms, and these are constantly decaying in our bodies and releasing nuclear particles. As a result, people are among the most radioactive objects in our environment. The largest source of natural radiation is radon, a radioactive gas released when elements in rocks decay. Radon may accumulate near the ground, and people whose houses have basements may receive a higher radiation dose as a result. Other natural sources of radiation include radioactive rocks and cosmic rays. Radiation: Facts Versus Fears  http://www.prioritiesforhealth.com/1102/rad.html
How much radiation is considered safe?
The current legal limits
More Facts about radiation

What's the slowest motorized vehicle?
The slowest motorized vehicles are the two Crawler-Transporters, tractor-treaded monsters that carry the Mobile Launcher Platforms (MLP), delivering giant spacecraft to the launch pads at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Each weighs 2,721 metric tons (6 million pounds). A Crawler-Transporter travels at a maximum speed of 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) per hour, a comfortable walking speed. It moves on a gravel track called the crawlerway, carrying spacecraft from the Vehicle Assembly Building to Launch Pad A or Launch Pad B. When the Crawler reaches the launch pad, it sets the Mobile Launcher Platform down on special pedestals. The MLP remains in place during the launch. Just before ignition, thousands of gallons of water spew out from nozzles on the MLP. The water absorbs some of the intense sound of the rockets, protecting the payload of the spacecraft. More about the Crawler-Transporter
More about Launch Pads A and B at KSC
More Facts about slow things

What's the tallest island on Earth?
The tallest island is New Guinea, in the southwest Pacific just north of Australia. Its highest point is the top of Mount Djaja, at 5030 meters (16,503 feet). New Guinea wins the title hands down, towering 825 meters above the next tallest island, Hawaii. New Guinea is not only the world's tallest island, it is also the second largest (Greenland is larger), measuring 885,780 square kilometers (342,000 square miles). It is mostly covered with lush tropical rainforest containing almost 9000 species of plants and 700 species of birds. New Guinea also is the most linguistically diverse area on Earth. Over 700 languages are still spoken by the native Melanesians, Papuans, and Negritos. In some remote sections of the interior, headhunting and cannibalism are still practiced. More about New Guinea
A table of the tallest islands
More Facts about islands

Why does the bride stand to the groom's left?
In western marriage ceremonies, the bride always stands to the groom's left. This tradition is extremely ancient. In medieval times, humans lived mostly in small, isolated villages, and there were not many young brides to choose from. Men who wanted to marry sometimes had to go to neighboring villages and do what essentially amounted to kidnapping a young maiden. Naturally, the maiden's relatives often objected to this practice. Just in case of trouble, the groom would keep his sword at hand, even during the wedding itself. Since he might be attacked at any time, he kept the bride on his left, so that his good right sword arm would be free. Want to have a medieval wedding? Here's how to do it
Today's Word is wedlock
More Facts about ancient traditions

When were sneakers invented?
The first shoes designed just for sports were Keds, available July 14, 1916, introducing a shoe category that later came to be known as sneakers. In 1917, similar shoes from Converse Rubber Company also became available. By today's standards, the first sneakers were very primitive. They had rubber soles, canvas sides, and long laces to hold the whole thing together. But they were a vast improvement over all-leather shoes, and they made a big difference in several sports, especially basketball and tennis. Modern sporting shoes now come in hundreds of varieties, and they are vastly more evolved, with complex, high-tech materials. Today's sports shoes are designed using sophisticated computer software, and are extensively tested. Visit Charlie's sneaker pages for loads of nostalgic memories http://www.sneakers.pair.com/index.htm Charlie's tribute to the original Keds http://www.sneakers.pair.com/old-17ke.htm Charlie compares the Keds and Converse designs
More Facts about clothing

What mineral was used for oven window panes?
The mineral muscovite, a kind of mica, forms thin, durable, flexible sheets when its crystals are cleaved (broken apart along natural surfaces called cleavage planes). Since these sheets are not only transparent, but also resistant to great heat, sheets of natural muscovite mica were once used as window panes for ovens. Muscovite crystals have alternating layers of aluminum silicate and potassium ions. The one-atom-thick layers of potassium ions are very easy to break apart, while the aluminosilicate layers are tightly bonded together. As a result, extremely thin sheets of muscovite can be easily separated, yet these thin sheets are flexible and tough. The mica group includes not only transparent muscovite, but also black biotite, pink lepidolite, green fuchsite, and about twenty other minerals, all of which share the same flat, thin, sheetlike crystal form. Beautiful pictures of muscovite mica  http://www.d.umn.edu/geology/coursehtmls/missrocks/mus.html
More about mica minerals
More Facts about minerals

Where are the brightest auroras in the solar system?
Auroras (or aurorae) are glowing displays produced when charged particles stream down into a planet's atmosphere from space. The brightest auroras in the solar system are those of Jupiter, the largest planet, whose auroras are 1,000 times brighter than those of Earth. Jupiter's auroras are made by particles from its highly active moon, Io. Volcanoes on Io spew electrons and other particles into the region around Jupiter, and they are funneled into Jupiter's polar regions by the planet's enormous magnetic field. Recent studies have shown that Jupiter's auroras are connected to many other fascinating phenomena. There are mysterious "electrojets" of charged particles that race around the planet's poles faster than the speed of sound, and a strange "skirt" of particles that rotates with the planet. Pictures of Jupiter's auroras, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope
More Facts about auroras
More about Io

What kind of galaxy has a bright ring of stars?
When two spiral galaxies collide, sometimes they pass right through each other. If they collide head-on with just the right speed and angle, one of them may develop a bright ring of newly-born stars around its central core, millions of years later. Stars are formed in galactic collisions because the gas and dust in the colliding galaxies crashes together, heating up and condensing into whirlpools. These whirlpools can form into stars if they are large enough. Galactic collisions take hundreds of millions of years. Astronomers suspect that large galaxies like our Milky Way were formed over billions of years by the collisions of many smaller ones. The Cartwheel Galaxy, a beautiful example of a ring galaxy  http://library.advanced.org/12659/interactive/caption/cartwheel.jpg.html
More Facts about galaxies

Why are dalmatians often seen with firemen?
Dalmatians are among the most ancient breeds of dogs. Once known as coach dogs or carriage dogs, they ran alongside moving coaches, protecting them from robbers by raising an alarm, and keeping stray dogs from interfering with the horses. It is thought that the modern strain of the breed originated in a part of western Yugoslavia called Dalmatia. Bred for endurance and reliability, coach dogs could run long distances without tiring. They had a natural affinity for horses, and their black and white spots made them easy for the horses to distinguish from other dogs. When horse-drawn fire wagons were invented, dalmatians were the natural choice to run alongside, protecting the horses from other animals and sending out their distinctive barks to help warn people that the fire brigade was coming. More about dalmatians  http://www.sparky.org/dalmatian/about/about.htm
Sparky, spokesdog for the National Fire Protection Association
More Facts about dogs

What minerals are like molecular sponges?
Minerals in the group called zeolites have unusual crystal structures that contain many nanoscopic (molecule-sized) holes or channels. Many zeolites have channels large enough to admit molecules like water or ammonia. Some of these are useful as "molecular sponges" to soak up various substances, which become trapped in the channels. Zeolites are silicate (SiO4) minerals that also contain aluminate ions (AlO4). The silicate and aluminate ions form cage-like structures that surround and define the pores. Most natural zeolite crystals form within cavities in volcanic rock. There are about 45 natural zeolite minerals, and more than a hundred synthetic zeolite compounds, with more being discovered all the time. More about zeolites http://mineral.galleries.com/minerals/silicate/zeolites.htm
Today's Word is zeolite
More Facts about minerals

What place has the largest variety of snakes?
Of all the natural sites ever surveyed, the most different kinds of snakes have been found at Tam Dao ("Three Islands"), a mountain range in northern Vietnam. So far, 108 kinds of snakes have been found in the wet jungle there, and it is likely there are many more. Just 32 miles (52 km) from Hanoi, Tam Dao is one of the newest national parks in Vietnam, a country whose rich natural heritage is only beginning to be discovered. Unfortunately, its fabulous ecosystems are threatened by human activities, including casual visitors and poachers. The 108 species of snakes at Tam Dao represent four percent of the total number of snake species in the world. Hopefully, most of those species will be preserved as Vietnam enters the next millennium. Take a trip to Tam Dao Hill Station  http://www.destinationvietnam.com/dv/dv13/dv13a.htm
Tam Dao is part of Vinh Phu province

What is the longest work of literature in verse?
The world's longest poem is the Mahabharata, an epic containing 100,000 couplets in some 18 books. Composed thousands of years ago in India, the Mahabharata was recently made into a TV series that became a smash hit in modern India. The epic poem describes events that took place around 5,000 BC in a place called bhaarata. It describes the appearance and adventures of Lord Krishna, a Hindu diety also known as the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, preserver of the universe. The climax of the story is a gigantic battle lasting 18 days. The Mahabharata is a powerful and important religious, spiritual, and historical document that contains many of the most fundamental concepts of modern Hinduism. It continues to have a profound effect on Hindu philosophy and culture. A talk about the Mahabharata, with interesting selections
More Mahabharata pages

Who was first to recognize Saturn's rings?
Although Galileo Galilei was the first to see the rings of Saturn, his telescope did not provide a very good view and he did not correctly interpret them. He thought he was seeing two smaller planets just touching the central planet. When the rings became edge-on to Earth, Galileo was confused by the sudden disappearance of the two "side planets." For many years, Saturn was a mystery. The strange side protruberances came to be called ansae (handles), but no one could explain what they were, or why they sometimes disappeared. The first correct interpretation of Saturn's rings was by the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens [KRIS-chan HOW-kenz] in 1656. For some time, Huygens kept his discovery a secret, while he finished other projects. Finally, in 1658 he revealed the secret, then explained it more fully in his 1659 book, "Systema Saturnium." More about Huygens and Saturn  http://www.sil.si.edu/DigitalCollections/HST/Huygens/ huygens-introduction.htm
More Facts about Saturn

How did the football huddle get started?When players of American football want to talk about the next play, they form a "huddle" in which they all face inward in a tight group. But the huddle has not always been part of the game. Prior to the 1890s, football players just stood around discussing the play, far enough away from the other team that they could not be overheard. The huddle was invented by Paul Hubbard, quarterback for Gallaudet University's Bisons. Gallaudet was a university for deaf people, and the players used sign language to discuss strategy. The tight huddle was a way to hide the sign language from anyone on the opposing team who might be able to understand it. More about Paul Hubbard and the Gallaudet Bisons  http://www.gallaudet.edu/~sports/bisonbeat/huddle.html
The Gallaudet Bisons still play today

What kind of mushrooms melt into black ink?
When they reach maturity, several kinds of mushrooms in the genus Coprinus begin to deliquesce, or dissolve into black, inky fluid. After a few hours, all that's left is a patch of dark moisture. These mushrooms, called inky caps, have evolved this strange trait as a way of spreading their spores. When rain falls, the black fluid (which contains billions of spores) is diluted and carried away. As the rain and fluid soaks into the ground, the spores are carried with it. Coprinus mushrooms include the common, edible shaggy mane mushroom (Coprinus comatus), which is often seen in lawns in the autumn, as well as other smaller mushrooms that inhabit decaying wood or dung or pop up in flowerpots. (Warning: do not eat wild mushrooms! Many wild mushrooms are poisonous, and resemble edible species.) Various kinds of inky cap mushrooms
Today's Word is deliquesce
More Facts about mushrooms

What's the world's northernmost capital city?
The northernmost capital city in the world is Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, which is also one of the world's newest capitals, incorporated in the late 19th century. Reykjavik means "smoky bay," but the city is no longer smoky. Like the rest of highly volcanic Iceland, Reykjavik is now almost entirely powered by hydrothermal energy, provided by hot rock just under the city. The city's points of interest include the Hallgrimskirkja, a church designed to look like a gigantic pile of lava, named after Iceland's favorite poet, Hallgrimur Petursson. Also in Reykjavik is a theater called the Volcano Show, featuring fascinating programs about the local geology. More about Reykjavik and Iceland
Reykjavik's own home page
More Facts about Iceland

How old is the practice of branding livestock?
The practice of branding animals (permanently marking them by applying a heated tool) is ancient indeed. The earliest clear evidence of branding comes from Egyptian tomb paintings 4,000 years old, but the practice probably began much earlier than that. Cave paintings 7,000 years old show bison with markings on the flanks, possibly to indicate ownership. When humans first began to herd animals, it became worthwhile to identify the ownership of each animal. The first prehistoric brands were probably made by nomadic herdsmen with burning wooden sticks. Later, red-hot iron tools were used to draw or stamp the designs onto the animals. When Spaniards began to colonize the New World, they brought the practice of branding with them, and developed it further. Ranch cattle brands evolved into a complex language with technical terminology and multi-symbol phrases that carried specific meanings. More about livestock brands
Today's Word is brand

Why is there no "Q" or "Z" on many telephones?
The telephone's pad of twelve buttons reflects its history. There are three letters on most buttons, except for zero, one, octothorp (#) and the star symbol (*), which have no letters. "Q" and "Z" are usually missing from the list. Why? Instead of twelve buttons, telephones used to have circular plates with ten holes numbered from zero to nine. To make phone numbers easier to remember, the phone companies assigned letters to the numbers, so people could remember mnemonics like "Charleston" for C-H instead of the first two digits of a number. Of the ten digits, zero was already used to dial the operator and one was used for internal phone company signals. That left eight numbers to which letters could be assigned. Three letters per number took care of 24 of the alphabet's 26 letters, and the least common letters "Q" and "Z" were left out, but not forever. Many telephones now show "Q" on the seven button, and "Z" on the nine button. Early work on dial telephone systems
The history of the telephone
Today's Word is asterisk, another name for the star symbol
Octothorp is also a Word

What are the oldest seeds that sprouted?
The oldest known viable seeds were found in 1954 in a lemming burrow in Canada's frigid Yukon. The burrow, which was buried in silt and sediment, had been frozen since the last ice age. The arctic tundra lupine seeds (Lupinus arcticus) were found with lemming remains that were at least 10,000 years old. When they were placed in favorable conditions, several seeds sprouted within 48 hours. One of the plants later bloomed. Other cases of extremely old seeds that sprouted include a 3400-year-old bean from the tomb of Tutankhamun and water lily seeds that were found with a canoe that had been buried in a bog near Tokyo for more than 3000 years. A page about the ancient lupine seeds  http://www.nature.ca/notebooks/english/arclupin.htm
More about Canada's arctic lupine, a beautiful wildflower
More Facts about very old living things

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