J.H. Bunnell

J.H. Bunnell 7939

J.H. Bunnell 7939

This J.H. Bunnell Number 7939 brass spark wireless key is complete and original with 1/8 inch contacts in removable holders, auxiliary connector strap from lever to base for heavy currents, old style fixed pivots. It sold for $4.00 in Catalog number "28" June 1, 1920.

Steel Lever Keys

Leg pic 1 Leg pic 2
The construction of the modern telegraph key may be readily understood from these Steel Lever Keys by J.H. Bunnell No. 9040 - 9044 which were Patented and Stamped on these keys Feb. 15, 1881. Pictured with metal extensions, termed "Legs," projecting from an oval-shaped metal strip, or base. The Leg is connected directly with the base. The Leg passes through the base, and is insulated from it by a bushing of hard rubber. On its top it is furnished with a cone-shaped cap termed the anvil, carrying a small platinum point. A small flat strip of metal extends out a short distance from the cap. At a point on its under side, directly above the platinum point on the lever is also supplied with a projecting platinum point termed the hammer. The lever of the key is supported at its trunnion by the set screws shown. A curved strip of metal termed the "circuit closer," is pivoted on the base as shown. The lever and the circuit closer are each supplied with hard-rubber finger-tips , or knobs, by which they may be freely moved. A spring, adjustable by the set screw normally lifts the lever from the contact point. One terminal of the circuit, of which the key may form a part, is brought to the leg. As the leg is insulated from the base, the circuit would be open but that the circuit closer slips between and the base, thereby continuing the circuit from the oval to the leg. When the operator is about to "Send," the circuit closer must first be pushed out so as to permit the lever when it is operated to open and close the circuit.

Mascot Wireless Key No. 8650

Mascot Wireless Key No. 8650

The Mascot Wireless Key No. 8650 --Description taken from J.H. Bunnell Catalogue No. 28, Priced at $3.00 each.

This Key has a base of extra heavy brass with solid brass trunnions. A bronze lever, correctly designed and perfectly balanced is set in the sockets of the adjustable trunnion screws. The lever is provided with an auxiliary copper conductor, preventing arcing at the trunnions. Contact points are of No. 6 or No. 8 B&S Gage extra hardened coin silver, insulated with the highest grade of India Mica. The sockets in which the contacts are set can be removed with a pair of pliers --- the work of a moment when replacement becomes necessary. For lightness of touch and operating speed it is the equal of any Morse Key made. Highly polished and beautifully finished in gold lacquer. It is the finest moderate priced key made.
