From: (Ron) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Yeasu FT-470 Mods... There was a list of strap changes that alter the frequency limits. As you will notice all the mods that open up 440 on a reasonable basis for receive, nuke 440-450 transmit which is kind of important... R71 R70 R72 Rx and TX Receive only 0 0 0 430 to 440 Mhz 430 to 500 Mhz 0 0 1 430 to 450 Mhz 0 1 0 430 to 440 Mhz 0 1 1 432 to 438 Mhz 1 0 0 430 to 440 Mhz 1 0 1 220 to 225 Mhz 1 1 0 430 to 440 Mhz 1 1 1 210 to 235 Mhz ============================================================================= Note: I haven't tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk. And do not transmit outside of legal bands! WA2ISE