The file "" is password protected. This file pertains only to the early model Syntors and is not applicable to any of the "X" series. This file contains information helpful to interface the Syntor to certain hardware available only to certain persons. Other persons would most likely find the information totally useless. Due to the proprietary nature of some of the information in the file, an agreement was made by myself not to distribute the file to the general public. A list of authorized persons was furnished to the webmasters of the sites that this file first appeared on. You may feel free request the password, but please don't feel bad if you are turned down, and please don't blame the webmaster as he is performing a service for the persons authorized to the file. Please don't ask him to provide a list of authorized users or the name of the author as he will not do this. I hope you uderstand and I am sorry I must impose this limitation.