From: wkhibbert
To: rod
Subject: Submission for RockMite Files
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2003 8:01 AM

Hi Rod, Keith here in the Depths of the Great Bergen Swamp 
Here are some shots of my completed RockMite 20. This was a
"Secret Santa" gift, and Santa has not reveled him(her)self
as of yet.
Seeing that it might be someone on the QRP-L, the shots soul be of
interest to them.

1 QSO so far, used a borrowed paddle and I will be on regularly when I
finish my paddles, probably this week.

73, Wm. Keith Hibbert, WB2VUO, TC/WNY ARRL Section
President, Brockport Amateur Radio Klub
"My night light runs more power than my Rig!!!" 

From: wkhibbert
To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion"
Subject: RockMite and "Secret Santa"
Date: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 11:07 AM

Hi. Keith here in the Depths of the Great Bergen Swamp

I am flabbergasted! ( I am NEVER speechless, so flabbergasted will have
to do...) I received an Email this weekend informing me that 'Your
"Secret Santa" had ordered you a RockMite, and so what band do you

Wow! I just finally worked my first Rock Mite on 20 Meters the other
day, and now an unknown benefactor is sending me one!

I'll tell all of you, I have no clue as to who Santa is, it's going to
bug me, but I really, really appreciate it. Someday, maybe, I'll find
out Santa's identity, but I am not digging for it.

To my "Secret Santa", on this List I am sure, Thank You is not enough to
say, but I can't think of anything else to add except a Merry Christmas
and Happy Holiday to all!

73, Wm. Keith Hibbert, WB2VUO, TC/WNY ARRL Section
President, Brockport Amateur Radio Klub
"My night light runs more power than my Rig!!!"

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