Training Courses



Before you can operate Amateur Radio Transmitting Equipment you must obtain an Amateur Radio Transmitting Licence.

The present system of Amateur Radio Licensing is intended to to provide an inclusive incentive based progression through levels of knowledge obtained practically through the use of Radio.

It is a requirement that you progress through each of the stages in turn, there are no exceptions and no short cuts irrespective of the amount of theoretical or practical knowledge you may have. Let's face it if you have a raft of practical knowledge or theoretical understanding you should be able to rapidly progress from one level to the next and we can tailor courses on this basis.

There are three different levels of licence and these are as follows:



In simplistic terms this is the "entry level" licence, it is the minimum you require to transmit legally on the Amateur Radio bands.

The course represents an introduction to radio operation and radio theory, and can be completed by anyone with an interest in radio and a desire to learn. There is no requirement to have any prior understanding or use of radio.

In addition to the theoretical work there are also a number of simple practical exercises designed to introduce to the use of Amateur Radio, the types of contacts you may have and some of the operating practices and procedures to ensure that you are comfortable with operating equipment once you obtain your licence.

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The Intermediate Licence takes you deeper into the theory of radio and electronics and confers additional bands, power and other privileges compared to the Foundation Licence.

In order to sit the Intermediate Exam you must have passed the Foundation Exam.

The Intermediate Course builds on the Foundation and the practical experience you will have gained as a Foundation operator.The course is longer than Foundation and goes deeper into the therories of Electronics, Propagation and Construction.

In addition to the theoretical work there are also a number of practical exercises designed to demonstrate your competence in the fields of construction and calibration.

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Advanced (Full Licence)

The Advanced Exam is the final step on the incentive based licensing system and naturally provides the highest level of privileges and requires the highest level of knowledge.

There are no practical exercises involved in the Advanced Exam, the additional knowledge is all related to theory of radio and electronics.

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