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Maine ARES Mission
The mission of Maine ARES is to provide supplemental, backup communications support during times of disaster or emergency to various emergency and disaster relief organizations in Maine, such as Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), the various county EMA departments, the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the National Weather Service, hospitals, etc..
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service is open to any licensed Amateur Radio operator who has a sincere desire to serve his or her county and community in times of disaster or emergency.
Although possessing backup power capabilities is not a requirement for membership in ARES, it is highly desirable. Registration with ARES indicates that you and your equipment may be available if a disaster or emergency strikes Maine.
The goal of Maine ARES is to develop trained, qualified amateur radio operators, familiar with many modes of communications and trained in the basic elements of emergency communications as well as being trained in the Incident Command System (ICS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
What is ARES?