Thanks for paying me a visit, there is not much to look at here yet but I'll get around to finishing it one day!

Personal Details

Name - Alex
Callsign -M1ROE

Location - Blackpool, North West England
Latitude: 53.81 North - Longitude: 3.04 West

Details of radio system:
70 cms     - 35 watts into a 1/2 wave dipole
2 meters   - 50 watts into a 1/2 wave dipole
4 meters   - 25 watts into a 1/4 wave antenna
6 meters   - 10 watts into a 1/4 wave antenna
10 meters - 12 watts into an inverted v

QRV on:
70 cms     - GB3FC - RB2 433.050
2 meters   - GB3LD - R3 145.675 & 145.500 FM
4 meters   - 70.450 FM
6 meters   - 51.510 FM
10 meters - 28.600 USB


NB. All prices apply only to licensed radio amateurs - business users should contact us for our commercial pricing structure.

PMR equipment for sale - unconverted
1 x MX294 - ready to convert to 2 meters - £25.00
3 x M294 - ready to convert to 4 meters - £10.00
2 x TEDX boards (for adding CTCSS to M/MX 290s) £5.00

PMR equipment for sale - converted
nothing at the moment

Radios I can reprogram for you
Yeasu - VX & VR series
Kenwood - All known handhelds & mobiles
Standard - HX390
Cleartone - CH 600, CH650
Philips - PR710

Prices from £5.00 if you provide an appropriate programming file, otherwise it depends on the number of channels.
Please ask about any other radio models. We are happy to obtain leads if you have a specific request.

Contact details
PO box 2039

TEL:08707 47 29 46
