
This is an ettempt to explain difficult/strange words from this documentation.
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Autobin     : A protocole for transfer of binary files via radio-ports.
              Supported by several terminal-programs.

BBS         : Bulletin Board System.  Works close to a "mailoffice" for 
              digital messages.  Users send and receive messages via the
              BBS.  The BBSs forward messages between each other.  In 
              amateur-radio use, all traffic is done via radios/TNCs.

DAEMON      : A version of a linux-program (like XFBB) that runs in the 
              background without graphic interface.  Console connections,
              gateway and monitoring are possible with a special program

DLL         : DLL is Dynamic Link Library. This is used in the windows 
              environment and allows a program to attach a library which 
              holds some code during the session or only during a phase of
              a program (like filters in FBB). This allows a very fast and
              efficient mechanism. Also DLL may be compact.

DPMI        : Dos Protected Mode Interface.
              It enables Ms-Dos based applications to access all the 
              extended memory installed in the PC maintaining system 
              protection.  DosFBB uses it, so it is not limited to the 
              memory below 1Mb and PG/SERVERS have more that 500Kb of  
              memory to run.

FIFO        : First Input First Output.
              Type of buffer used in many serial port cards to improve 
              performance and avoid loss of data. It is recommended in 
              multitasking operating systems.

GPF         : Windows error-message.  Means that the BBS has performed an 
	      action that has caused a General Protection Failure.

HOSTMODE    : TNC operating mode that sets the TNC as slave of the computer
              (host).  The TNC only sends data to the computer when the 
              computer request them.  Examples are DED-HostMode, KAM-Hostmode
              and PK232-HostMode.  Special commands are also defined to allow
              the user to set ax25 parameters.

KISS        : Keep It Simple Stupid.
              KISS is a simple TNC operating mode that allows the PC to 
              process the packets.  In this mode AX25 protocol is removed from 
              the TNC and it only converts HDLC synchronous frames from radio 
              to special asyncronous frames to send to the computer via the 
              serial link. No other action is done on the frames received.
              TXDelay, Persist, SlotTime and TXTail are the only timers 
              managed by the TNC.

Modem       : MOdulator/DEModulator.  Converts digital signals to analog,
              and vice versa.  For sending converted digital signals via
              analog telephone lines, or via analog radios.

MUX         : Port MUltipleXer.  A small "device" that uses one single
              COM-port from the PC to communicate with up to 4 TNCs in
              DED-host mode.  The mux is easy to build, schematics are
              available from several sources.

TNC         : Terminal Node Controller.  A modem for packet-radio that 
              holds the AX25 protocol.  Connects between PC and radio. 

VXD         : Virtual Devices.  They are 32 bits drivers used by Windows 
              programs when they need to access computer's hardware directly.

YAPP        : "Yet Another Packet Program".  Originally a program by WA7MBL
              for simple transfer of binary files on packet radio.  The 
              protocol from his program is widely known as the YAPP-protocol.

Xforward    : Another kind of compressed forward, implemented in FBB.