star Los Angeles County Disaster Communications Service
Lomita Station – District 17 &
South Los Angeles Station 
District 3

Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System
------ Using Sound Card Technology ------

NBEMS is a simple and easy way to send error-free digital messages. You don't have to buy an expensive modem or software; you don't even need a dedicated connection to your radio.  The speaker and microphone on the computer and radio will do and the software is free. What more could you ask for?

NBEMS uses the FLDIGI suite of software routines that emulate the hardware modem, compute the error correction and format many standard message forms (to include ICS forms).  FLDIGI emulates many modems for different applications; we use the MT-63-2KL for UHF/VHF messaging.  NBEMS works with Windows, Linux and Mac computers and can be used on HF too. There is even an Android app.

We encourage all members and city radio organizations to become familar with and be able to use NBEMS.  

Getting Started

  • Download the three components of NBEMS for your operating system; namely fldigi, flwrap and flmsg.  The author, W1HKJ, is now using: as the download site
  • Install these three programs following the instructions
  • Setup the configuration parameters.
  • FLDIGI also has an extensive Beginner's Guide under the help menu for further information
  • The author's web site, also has information
  • If you are having difficulty, contact S-60, S-50 or T-03 for help.
  • Copy our test messages at the end of the Monday night nets every week to gain proficiency