Picture Gallery




From left to right PA5ET, PA3EWP, PA7FM and PA0ZH


Arrival at Carriacou


The little Airport of Carriacou, Grenada


The Taxi carrying the equipment


Setting up the Titanex vertical


Radials Titanex vertical


Bouke setting up one of the Quads


Ronald and Bouke setting up the second Quad


The 2 radio stations


The Titanex during some "warm breezes"


Bouke J3/PA0ZH in action


Ronald J3/PA3EWP in action


Dennis J3/PA7FM in action


Rob J3/PA5ET in action


Our temporary home


Part of our garden


Like the view? we do!


Warm Breezes


Ronald in the Worked All Europe CW Contest signing J38PA


Rob in the Worked All Europe CW Contest signing J38PA


The nicest panoramic view of Carriacou


Bouke and his friend Turtle "Ninja", or is it a she?


A loco still a littlebit drunk of last night party


Paradise Beach


Sandy Island, a real bounty island, don't know the IOTA number


They have been grown in the mean time, about 7000 citizens


Dismantling the Titanex


The top section got stuck and needs some weight to get them apart


Tranceivers and amps packed for transport


Packing bags


Titanex tuner and loose stuff


Packing bags


Dismantling the Quads


Packing the Quads and Vertical


Waiting for the Taxi


Arrival the Carriacou Airport


Loading equipment


Our chartered plane


This is the way they transported our equipment

Our story continues on the J3 Picture page


Webmaster Caribbean Tour 2001