Location: Briarcliffe College, Bethpage, N.Y.


The LIDXA President, Marty, NN2C, called the meeting of November 19 to order at 8:13 PM.  Members present (per sign-in on the blackboard) included K2MFY, NN2C, W2FGD, AG2A, W2VZQ, N2KA, KB2HK, WA2AAW, AB2NT, KG2T, W2GW and XYL, KC2MAU, N2DXJ and XYL.





In terms of DX, specific activities were highlighted:


Starting the business portion of tonight’s meeting was the approval of the October 15 meeting minutes.  These minutes were accepted as presented.  In addition, the minutes were prepared in advance by the club’s secretary, Ed, K2MFY, and sent out to the membership with the club’s November meeting notice.  Thanks to the efforts of KE2LJ, Pat, the minutes appear in the LIDXA web site at: http://www.qsl.net/lidxa.

The membership was reminded to attend the LIDXA weekly nets on Sunday night at 9PM local time on the Grumman Hauppauge repeater at 145.333/144.730 MHz (with 136.5 Hz PL).


Club Treasurer, John, W2GW gave the monthly Treasurer’s report.  A major expense the past month was the annual club liability insurance premium.  The membership was reminded that dues for the 2005 calendar year would be collected starting next month.  For the year 2005 the annual LIDXA dues is $20 (which was voted down $5 from previous years!).


                On the subject of Good and Welfare, the membership was saddened to hear that long time LIDXA member and outstanding DXer, Art Albert, K2ENT, had suddenly passed away.  Art had been a member of the LIDXA for at least 25 years and had been very active in club matters.  He also achieved DXCC Honor Roll (worked ‘em all!) for a number of modes.  At the request of Roz, Art’s wife, member Lou, N2TU, was handling Art’s radio estate.  Lou had prepared an extensive list of equipment that was being distributed to club members.  All interested parties were told to contact Lou regarding prices.  Art’s extensive QSL collection was being forwarded to a member of the NJDXA, who planned to use a number of his rare cards for DX QSL displays.


                The club was updated on the present health condition of long-time LIDXA member and board member, Lew, W2BIE.  Lew was expected to return home shortly from the rehab center.  The membership wished Lew the best of health and hoped that he would be on the air shortly from his home shack.





A final schedule was introduced for the next 2005 Ham Radio University (HRU).  HRU 2005 is scheduled for Sunday, January 9, 2005 at the Briarcliffe College in Bethpage.  Full details on HRU 2005 can be found on the Web at http://www.hudson.arrl.org/nli/hru2005.htm.  The club has been allotted additional time for our “DX Program.”  The time has now been increased from one to approximately two hours.  Our time slot has been scheduled from 2:30–4:20PM.

Based upon our new schedule, a few topics were added to the original list determined at the October meeting.  The following list and presenters were finalized:


·         Overview of DXing—What’s DX——NN2C, Marty

·         DX Propagation——K2MFY, Ed

·         Operating Techniques——W2FGD, Marv

·         ARRL DXCC Program——KD1F, Emil

·         Current DXCC Entities——W2FGD, Marv

·         DX Aids on the Computer——AG2A, Tom

·         LIDXA/General DX Information——W2FGD, Marv


It was felt that 10–15 minutes on each topic by the presenter, would fill up the allotted time with provisions for questions at the end of each topic.  It was noted that since we usually do not have a December meeting, all materials and handouts should be generated by the cognizant speakers prior to January 9.


Marty stated that the club, in conjunction with other sponsors of HRU 2005, would be setting up a table in the cafeteria of the College.  Attending club members would be able to hand out information regarding the LIDXA and perhaps recruit some new members.


                It was mentioned that besides having Emil, KD1F, as an available ARRL official DXCC QSL card checker, the ARRL has appointed member Tom, AG2A as an authorized DXCC card checker.  Tom has replaced Lenny, KB2HK.  The membership thanked Lenny for his previous DXCC QSL card efforts and looked forward to working with the new team.  The LIDXA was reminded to inform the local DX community that the club would usually have one or both members present to verify QSL cards at our monthly meetings.


Ed mentioned that he had contacted Carl Smith, N4AA, editor of “QRZ DX,” to include mention of the LIDXA as a DX club in his weekly newsletters.  Carl indicated that he would shortly update his list.


A reliable source of IRCs was given as QSL manager, KU9C.  The current unit price requested is $1.30.


A brief discussion developed on the club’s annual Holiday party.  After some planning, it was decided to hold the party on Tuesday, December 14 at 7 PM in Mary’s Backyard restaurant in Bethpage.  Details and directions would be sent out to all members on the Sunday night net and also by e-mail.  Marty said he would stop by Mary’s Backyard after tonight’s meeting to firm up the date/time and make certain that we would get a “private” area in the restaurant. He was also going to see if they are offering any price fixed specials for that evening. By a show of hands, it appeared that about fifteen members and or spouses would be attending this dinner.


This meeting then concluded at around 9:45 PM after all the scheduled business had finished.  Since we will be having the Holiday Party in December there will be no regularly scheduled meeting next month.  A good holiday was wished for those unable to attend this party.  The next regularly scheduled meeting for the LIDXA is on Friday, January 21, 2005.  Members were also reminded to attend the 2005 HRU in Briarcliffe College on January 9, 2005.



Ed Whitman, K2MFY

LIDXA Secretary