Location: Briarcliffe College, Bethpage, N.Y.


John, W2GW, the LIDXA President, called to order the meeting of October 19th at 8:15 PM. Members present (per sign-in on the blackboard) included W2GW and XYL K2MAU, KC2OPX, W2VZQ, K2MFY, W2FGD, N2KA, W2PNJ, N2FF, N2DXJ and XYL.


The club welcomed to the LIDXA our new member, Art, WA2KXE.





In terms of DX, specific activities were highlighted:

  • The weekend of October 27–28 is the annual CQ WorldWide DX Contest–SSB mode.  Quite a number of multi-group efforts are planned to be active from rare DX zones/countries during the contest.  The CW portion is held the last full weekend in November.
  • Plans are well underway for a DXpedition to Clipperton Island in March 2008.  For further details look at their website at: www.clipperton2008.org.
  • With the approach of the Fall equinox, several members reported that conditions on 20 and 17 meters were improving; even afternoon openings on 15 and 12 meters were noted.  The solar flux numbers are still around zero.


Starting the business portion of tonight’s meeting was the approval of the September 14th meeting minutes.  These minutes were accepted as presented.  In addition, the minutes were prepared in advance by Ed, K2MFY, and sent out to the membership with the September meeting notice.  Thanks to the efforts of KE2LJ, Pat, the minutes appear in the LIDXA web site at: http://www.qsl.net/lidxa.


W2GW gave the monthly Treasurer’s report.  John indicated that 21 members had paid their dues including our newest member WA2KXE.


Ed indicated that would be filing an ARRL Club Annual Report shortly.  It was suggested Ed include our Honorary and Members-at-Large in the summary form.  Ed said he would check for that supplementary list and prepare the report with the ARRL.


Now that KE2LJ has left the NYC area for a Florida retirement, John mentioned that we should elect a new club Vice President.  It was decided to forgo this nomination and wait until the June 2008 election to elect new officers and Board of Directors for the club (years 2008-2010).





            John discussed the clubs participation in the forthcoming 2008 Ham Radio University (HRU).  HRU 2008 is scheduled for Sunday, January 13, 2008 at the Briarcliffe College in Bethpage.  Preliminary information on HRU 2008 can be found on the Web at http://www.hamradiouniversity.org/.  Gordon West, WB6NOA will be the keynote speaker.

            With the absence of KE2LJ it was not certain if the club would still be doing a presentation.  This year we have been allotted about one hour for our “DX Program”–from 11:00 to 11:50AM.  Members W2GW, Marv, W2FGD, and K2MFY said they would be available to do presentations.  If any other members felt they had a topic of interest, John said he should be notified so a schedule could be made up in the November meeting.

It was felt that 10 to 15 minutes on each topic by the presenter would fill up the allotted time, and allow for questions at the end of each topic.  The club is scheduled for Room E (Great Hall in the North Hempstead hall).  Members were urged to come out and support the club and learn a few things at the Forum.


            Frank, N2FF, Director of the ARRL Hudson Division, spoke about a number of issues dealing with amateur radio.  In particular he indicated that LOTW program is highly successful, with a number of major DXpeditions posting their logs to LOTW well in advance of mailing out hard copies of QSL cards.  He urged all members to sign up and log their DX QSOs into the site.

Also frank mentioned that on November 10, the Annual 2007 Hudson Awards Dinner would be held at the Holiday Inn in Saddlebrook, NJ.  Details are provided at http://www.hudson.arrl.org/pages/awardsdinner2007.htm.  The LIDXA voted $50 to place a ˝-page ad in the Awards Journal.  Ed said he would design some artwork and forward it to Frank for submittal.


            Ed spoke on the good turn around with DX QSLs he has obtained using DX foreign stamp postage supplied by William Plum.  Besides mint foreign stamps (to use on s.a.s.e Air-Mail envelopes back to the US), Bill also sells European airmail envelopes (with return envelopes that fit inside the outgoing mail).  He also sells domestic envelopes and returns.  Although Bill does not have a web site he can be reached directly at his home in NJ (908-788-1020), or via e-mail [email protected] for the latest prices and information.  Ed passed around some of Bill’s domestic and air mail envelopes.


A brief discussion then developed on the club’s annual Holiday party.  After some suggestions it was decided to hold the party on Thursday, December 13 around 6:30 PM, in The Orchid Bar and Grill (formerly Mary’s Backyard) restaurant in Bethpage.  However due to some concern from QCWA members, who hold monthly luncheons at this restaurant, it was suggested that Ed should look in the immediate area for other restaurants which might be able to give us a more general menu for the dinner.  It was hoped that the total price for a complete dinner (including tax and tip) would still be around $25 per guest.  Details of this investigation would be announced to all members on the Sunday night net and also by e-mail.  By a show of hands, it appeared that about 12 members with/without spouses/guests would be attending this dinner.


            A technical discussion arose on smoke detectors and RFI.  Also Art, N2KA, mentioned about some novel techniques he came across on tower grounding.


W2FGD, reminded the membership to check-in at the LIDXA weekly nets on Sunday night at 9 PM local time on the Grumman Hauppauge repeater at 145.330/144.730 MHz (with 136.5 Hz PL), to get the latest information on club matters and events.


A DVD was then shown on the March 2000 international DXpedition to Clipperton Island as FOŘAAA.  This interesting video went into the history of this remote island in the Pacific and its local inhabitants (crabs and birds), besides the productive ham activities accomplished by the group.


This meeting concluded at around 10PM after all the scheduled business and entertainment had finished.  The next LIDXA meeting will be held on Friday November 16, 2007.




Ed Whitman, K2MFY

LIDXA Secretary