Location: Briarcliffe College, Bethpage, N.Y.


John, W2GW, the LIDXA President, called to order the meeting of June 20 at 8:10 PM.  Members present (per sign-in on the blackboard) included W2GW and XYL K2MAU, KC2OPX, K2MFY, W2FGD, N2FF, W2PNJ, W2VZQ and XYL Marilyn, WB2ZHB, WB2QJ and YL KC2NOT.


            Attendees were asked to introduce themselves to those present.




In terms of DX, specific activities were highlighted:

·         The recent ham activity from a station signing Marion Island is a pirate.  Although there may be legitimate operations from Marion Island, it has not yet occurred.

·         DK7LX is supposed to be activating Mayotte Island as TX7LX.  He should be active on all bands until June 23.

·         A Spanish team is operational in East Timor and will be in country from June 10th to 24th. They are using the callsign 4W6R. Their Web page can be found at http://4w6r.ure.es/home.php?lang=en.  QSL via EA4URE.  Due to poor propagation only a few members have heard/worked this country.

·         Several members have reported good signals from JX9JKA in Svalbard Island.

·         Poor propagation conditions continue for the past month.  Noise levels are up and usually 20 meters is the only reliable band, but closing during evening hours.  Opening on 17 meters and above is very limited.


Starting the business portion of tonight’s meeting was the approval of the May 23rd meeting minutes.  Except for a couple of minor errors the minutes were accepted as presented.  In addition, the minutes were prepared in advance by Ed, K2MFY and sent out to the membership with the June meeting notice.  Thanks to the efforts of KE2LJ, Pat, the minutes appear in the LIDXA web site at: http://www.qsl.net/lidxa.


W2GW gave the monthly Treasurer’s report.  Members who have still not paid up may be dropped from the roster and e-mail announcements in the future.


Ed said he has forwarded the list of the new club officers to the leading ham radio newsletters for publication.  Marv, W2FGD mentioned that Carl Smith, N4AA, editor of “QRZ DX Weekly Newsletter” and “DX Magazine, still has not listed the LIDXA club on his web site, although other radio clubs are listed.  Marv has repeatedly contacted Carl on this matter but to no avail.  He suggested that other club member write Carl.





John mentioned that we do have adequate monies in our treasury to support the current expenses–the largest expense of which is our annual liability insurance.  After a brief discussion it was decided that the club should give larger donations to bona fide DXpeditions.


            Steve, WB2ZHB, indicated that this August he would be taking a vacation in Indonesia.  He said he has contacted some YB hams and was going to set up a meeting.  In this regard, he picked up an Alpha multiband antenna package to deliver as a gift.


            John discussed his activities using digital modes, especially PSK and RTTY.  Several members indicated that they would like to get started in digital modes but have limited knowledge of these modes.  John said that perhaps he and RTTY expert Frank, N2FF, could prepare a demonstration at a future club meeting.


            Marv, W2FGD, reminded the membership to check-in at the LIDXA weekly nets on Sunday night at 9 PM local time on the Grumman Hauppauge repeater at 145.330/144.730 MHz (with 136.5 Hz PL), to get the latest information on club matters and events.


            With the business portion of the membership concluded, a DVD was then shown on the April 2007 DXpedition to Swains Island in the Pacific Ocean as N8S.


The meeting concluded early at around 10:05 PM after all the scheduled business and entertainment had finished.  Since tonight’s meeting was the last one before our summer hiatus, John wished the membership a good summer, and indicated that the next meeting would be held on Friday September 19, 2008.




Ed Whitman, K2MFY

LIDXA Secretary