Location: Briarcliffe College, Bethpage, N.Y.


John, W2GW, the LIDXA President, called to order the meeting of January 18th at 8:10 PM.  John welcomed all members and guests back for the first meeting of the New Year.  Members present (per sign-in on the blackboard) included W2GW and XYL K2MAU, W2PNJ, KC2OPX, AB2NT, W2VZQ, W2FGD, N2DXJ and XYL Tanis.


The club welcomed to the LIDXA meeting guest, Tony, WV2C.





In terms of DX, specific activities were highlighted:

·         A new DXpedition to Cocos Island (TI9) is expected up in mid February.

·         A group will be headed out to Ducie Island in the South Pacific shortly

·         The weekend of February 16 is the annual ARRL DX Contest–CW mode.  Quite a number of multi-group efforts are planned to be active from rare DX countries during the contest.

·         Plans are well underway for a DXpedition to Clipperton Island in March 2008.  For further details look at their website at: www.clipperton2008.org.

·         A station from Bouvet Island, as 3YØE is presently active around 14.260 MHZ.  Bouvet Island is top five on the most wanted DXCC list.

·         A recent report indicated that some sunspots were recently noted, perhaps the start of Cycle 24.  Several members reported that conditions on 20 and 17 meters were improving; even afternoon openings on 15 and 12 meters were noted.  However, the solar flux numbers are still very low.





John mentioned that about thirteen members and XYLs showed up at the Holiday Party meeting on December 13, 2007 at Star Diner restaurant in Plainview.  The food was excellent and all participants had a good time.  Although Ed, K2MFY, LIDXA Secretary, could not be at tonight’s meeting, the club thanked Ed for his work in setting up the party.  Karen, KC2OPX, offered to take tonight’s meeting notes and then forward them to Ed for final editing and distribution.


Since we had the Holiday Party in December 2007 there were no minutes to be accepted for tonight’s meeting.  Thanks to the efforts of KE2LJ, Pat, the minutes appear in the LIDXA web site at: http://www.qsl.net/lidxa.


W2GW gave the monthly Treasurer’s report.  The dues for the 2008 year are currently due.  About six members have already paid up.  John urged all members to give him or mail him the $20 yearly dues for the club.


John spoke briefly about the success of this year’s Ham Radio University (HRU) 2008, held on Sunday, January 13, 2008 at the Briarcliffe College in Bethpage.  Featured were almost 25 different forums covering all areas of ham radio.  Members of the club, W2GW, K2MFY, and W2FGD, presented the following topics for our 1-1/2 hours “DX Program” presentation, hosted by W2GW:


·         Introduction, Overview of DXing–What’s DX?—W2GW

·         DX Propagation–How Do We Get From There to Here—K2MFY

·         QSL Checking & Criteria—W2GW

·         LIDXA/General DX Information—W2FGD, W2GW, K2MFY

·         Question and Answer Period—W2GW, K2MFY, W2FGD


W2FGD, reminded the membership to check-in at the LIDXA weekly nets on Sunday night at 9 PM local time on the Grumman Hauppauge repeater at 145.330/144.730 MHz (with 136.5 Hz PL), to get the latest information on club matters and events.


A brand new DVD was then shown on the April-May 2007 international DXpedition to Scarborough Reef, as BS7H.  The DVD traced the history of the reef, difficulty in activating ham radio, and the political intricacies of this remote speck of land in the South China Sea.


This meeting concluded at around 9:35 PM after all the scheduled business and entertainment had finished. 



Ed Whitman, K2MFY

LIDXA Secretary

(from notes compiled by KC2OPX)