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                        Welcome to my website.

                        If you have heard me on the air I hope you had a positiv time with me. I do get angry if people do not ask before transmitting CQ on my frequency.

                     My station setup today is made of my main station and a remote station that I can access via internet.

My main station is IC-7200 for HF all bands all modes including 6m from JP76bh.

The antennas is a butternut HF9V with 160m kit and a G5RV.

My IC-706mk2g is for local vhf/uhf work.

We do also have a echolink LA1PHA-L number 313955 on 433,525 Mhz.

My remote qth that also is my holiday qth contains a Elecraft K2/100 and a inverted L antenna with 7m vertical height that cover 160-80 and 40m.

When not running remote I use the station with my linear THP 1.2kfx.

I plan to put up my old trusty R5 vertical also.

During 160m contests I use a monoband inverted L with 12m vertical height.

More info is on QRZ.COM and LA3M website.

I do not use eQSL anymore , but you can upload if you want in case I change my mind.

                        I frequently upload my log to LOTW.

                       To send  me an Email you can contact me on Email.

                         Finally I hope to meet you on air many times in what ever possible mode you have.

                        Until then…. Take care.

My callsigns: LA1PHA , LI1PHA


                        73 de LA1PHA , Tom J



                        THIS WEBSIDE IS LAST EDITED 2009 FEB 20th

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