you have reached my web site at the QSL.NET  web server...

( My QSL card )

You can contact me by sending an E-mail to: la1kp
My name is Oivind and as you already have quessed  -my ham radio call is LA1KP.  I have been an radio amateur since 1971, and my main interests in this hobby is as follows:
ARDF = Amateur radio direction finding
Digital communications
General HAM radio operation on HF and 6m bands

HER KAN DU KLIKKE OG FINNE NOEN BILDER FRA EM I FRANKRIKE Click on the text to the left and you will find some pictures from the Europeean ARDF championship 2001

LA4XT Ragnar tok bilder med digitalt fotoapparat disse
 finner du her  - disse bildene er vesentlig raskere � laste ned
LA4XT Ragnar also took some pictures, click to the left and you will find some of his pictures 

Disse sidene er fortsatt under konstruksjon. / These pages are still under construction 

You are visitor number since 6.  September 2001