Amateur Radio Page

This page is dedicated to Amateur Radio and other necessities of life.


Name...........Larry Cunningham                                                                          

Age.............54 and Getting older by the minute.

QTH............EM67gh  .........   That's Madisonville, Ky.

Hobbies include..Computers..playing music..killing paper targets with my guns..and TALKING ON THE RADIO!!!!   

I first started talking on the radio (CB) in 1969 and didn't really get into Ham radio until 1995 when a good friend of mine (Mike Marks KI4OE SK) told me of the FCC allowing you to get into Amateur Radio without knowing Morse Code. I think about a week later I had my Technician Class License. This was in March of 1995, in March of 1996 I passed my General 13 WPM Code Test. I wish I knew in 1969 what I know now. Code wasn't that tough after all..oh well. I upgraded to Amateur Extra in August of 2000.

I am a member of the Hopkins County Amateur Radio Assn., serving as past Vice President and past Secretary/Treasurer. I am an ARRL VE and W5YI Commercial Examiner. I am a member of the Red Cross Damage Assessment Team, The Local Emergency Management Agency, and am a Weather Spotter for the National Weather Service.

My Radios

Other Interests...  Music...  Computers...  Guns... SEX!!!