KU8E WebPage

                                              Welcome to KU8E's Web site!

I was first licensed in 1976 as WN8ALG. A year later my call changed to WD8ALG and then in 1980 to KU8E. I became interested in amateur radio during high school when I joined the school radio club during my freshman year. During the late 1970’s I started dabbling in radio contesting and it just happened that a close neighbor of mine was Jim Stahl, K8MR, who is an active contester. Jim introduced me to the guys in the Mad River Radio Club and I have been an active member and a contester since joining up. I am a past president and newsletter editor for the club. I am also the contest director for the Ohio QSO Party and help out some on the eHam.net website which was designed by my friend W4AN.

In the early 1980’s I had my first chance to operate from the other end when I joined some other members of Mad River on a trip the FG7AR/FS7 for the ARRL DX CW contest. Since then I have operated as VP2E , VP2EEW, VP9AD, J6DX,VP5FXB ,PJ2T and PJ2Z. I love travelling to the Caribbean and try to make a trip down there whenever the time and expenses allow it. Recently I have also been dabbling in doing some VHF operating on 6 , 2, and 432 MHz.  Check out my photo page for pictures of my station and of some of the interesting places I have operated from.

I am an alumni of Ohio State University and presently live in Columbus, Ohio with my lovely wife, Jan, and our 2 sons Andrew and Randy. I work for a major financial services company as a Lotus Notes/Domino developer.

This page was last updated on 01/04/01.                                                        

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