Hi.  I'm a new HAM (Tech + in Feb 98, General in May 98) and this is my maiden web page.

Obviously, it's still under construction.  But then, aren't they all?

I'm providing COOL LINKS, de rigueur, which I'll be adding to, although some will be links to sites that have great links.  What the Japanese would call mago rinku ("grandchild links").

In the mean time, I've already made a modest beginning at providing COMMENTARY on Ham Radio, for the moment only in my own "fresh" new voice, but in due course, depending on YOUR RESPONSE, in the voices of others.  This COMMENTARY (opinion, essay, radio dial-a-log, what have you) may be constructive, critical, humerous, or just plain wacky, depending on the Muse.  My only firm promises are that it shall (1) concern Ham Radio, (2) be in good taste, and, above all, (3) be entertaining.  (What I eventually want to have here is a dadgum book of essays on Ham radio that will make good bedtime reading for young and old Hams alike.)

I hope you will visit often (as in once a month or so), and send me feedback by email, or even send me your own opinion for "publication" in this nifty venue provided so generously by Al Waller K3TKJ.

By profession I'm a Japanese patent translator.  Often I am under tremendous deadline pressure, so the additions and updates to this site will be as time permits.

My passion is CW (FISTS #4788), even though I can just barely copy 13 wpm at this writing.  I've begun to religiously copy the W1AW practice code at 10 - 15 wpm.  My main Ham goals right now are (1) to get code speed up solid in mid to high teens, and (2) to get the Advanced ticket and hopefully a slightly sexier 2X2 call.  (I'm just too vain to opt out for a vanity call.)

Please feel free to say hello by email to [email protected] or find me straight-keying of evenings on the 80, 40, 20 (when all else fails), and, now with the Summer Solstice coming up, on 15 and (Es openings permitting) 10 meters.  I want to try to do 6 meters too running 4.5 watts out of my HT.

Meanwhile, thanks for tuning in here on ten gadzillion megahertz.  73 de KF4VXW...SK for now

 [last updated on 6/2/98]