Welcome to Bryan's Amateur Radio Page!

I put up a Hustler 4BTV Vertical for 10 thru 40 meters, been back on the air since mid-July 2000. I often monitor ECARS 7.255 on weekends and I've been running PSK on 14.070.15. Great mode, simple to connect, all you need is a HF radio, a computer running Win9x or Windows 2000 and a few feet of audio cables from your sound card to the radio. Nothing else is required if your radio has VOX, if it doesn't have VOX, then you can build (or buy) a PTT circuit that uses a serial port on the computer to key the radio.

I built a QRP 20 meter PSK transceiver kit from Small Wonder Labs. So far after a few dozen contacts, this kit works great, according to the website a 10, 20, 30 and 40 meter version is available.

Here is a list of the recomended "PSK" frequencies.

I've been using DigiPan, WinWarbler and WinPSKse, there are a few other programs on the web for PSK.
I find PSK to be easy to setup and use. I will add a few links to the other PSK31 sites in the future, the main PSK site

Download COAX antenna trap calculator Download a COAX antenna trap calculator program

KC4ELO hosts 'The Official Logger & Zakanaka Download page'

Go to 'The Official WinWarbler page'

Go to 'The Official WinPSKse page'

Official PSK31 webpage The 'Official' PSK31 Homepage

K4ABT The famous CQ magazine writer 'Buck Rogers', a fellow Virginian located near me.

Download WinPacket WinPack Windows terminal program for Packet with many TNC's

Right Click, then select Save Target to Download Bandplan PDF file US amateur radio bandplan.(Adobe Acrobat reader needed to view or print 'link at bottom of page')

Right Click, then select Save Target to Download Bandplan GIF file US amateur radio bandplan.(GIF Graphics file format)

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look for me at 14.070.15 MHz PSK

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