Visitors since 8-30-97:

Hello fellow Internet surfer - I have just gotten this page up and it's very much under construction, as you might notice. Glad you made it here - I'll give you some links concerning my favorite sites and other "important" issues.........:))

My Background

I live in the small town of Lyndhurst, Va. I am currently employeed with Roberts Oxygen Co.

What I like...

I like all sorts of diffrent things! My main interest is Amateur Radio, and I also collect diffrent midi's from the WWW. -


I have "Surfed the Net" for a year or so now and I have come across some good sites while at it - here's a few links to good places to go....more links are to come in the near future:

More to come in the near future.......(let me know of expired links, please!)
E-mail me for comments about this page!!

This page was created with and best viewed with  Netscape Navigator Gold 2.0+ grodan Boll

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This page last updated on September 20, 1997