A Light Has Faded…A Remembrance Of  My Brother, Dan

A light has faded, and flame flickered out,

He showed to us all, what true courage is about

For a while he was shut in, just stayed in his room

A world full of darkness, seemed made of pure gloom

Then the Lord must have touched him, and shown him the light

And brought up his spirit, restored his fight

Crushing all that raged against him,

He stepped up to the plate,

His eyesight was gone,

But his bravado was great

He began to learn again, how to read by touch

How to see with a cane, he struggled so much

And then came Blaze, Dan’s new eyes and best friend

A sweet gift from God, he did surely send

He touched many hearts, and opened our eyes

That a man and his dog, could touch so many lives

To show us how we can, how we could, how we should

To turn dark into light, and turn bad into good.

Tim Sutorus, 2/25/2000
