
Hurricane Weather Report Form

Amateur Radio Operators and Volunteer Weather Observers
within 300 miles of a hurricane are asked to send information
listed on this hurricane report form to the
National Hurricane Center.
Please do NOT put yourself in any danger trying to collect information.

Please be sure to indicate if the information is Measured or Estimated
Please report only winds over 35mph or significant weather events.

Reporting Station :
(Amateur Radio Callsign or First & Last name)

Email Address:
Telephone : (area code) + number

Geographic Location:

City: State: Zip:


Location (Latitude/Longitude): N W

Date of Observation:

Time of Observation:
(GMT - Greenwich Mean Time is prefered) (also known as Zulu or UTC)

Please indicate if your Wind Measurements
are measured with weather instruments or estimated.
Indicate if Measured or Estimated ? :

Sustained Wind Speed:
(One minute)

Gust Speed:

Wind Direction:

Barometric Pressure:
(must be attained using calibrated barometer.)


Thanks for your help!

Amateur Radio Station
at the
National Hurricane Center