HEAR is an introduction to Ham Radio while the Scouts are earning their Electronics and Radio Merit Badges. I have carried a small group through this program now and rewritting the program with the results and feedback I found. The Scouts all enjoyed the program. The revised program will consist of several Saturday sessions and ending with a trip to a Field Day or Jamboree on the Air station, for some on the air fun.

One of the main problems I have faced is what kit to build for the Electronic Merit Badge requirement. I wanted to
1. keep the cost down.
2. keep it simple.
3. help in the persuit of a Ham license.
4. must be a standard kit. I didn't have the time to kit it.

I thought about a QRP tranceiver, like the Pixie, but desided it would be harder for a new ham to use in the QRM and the Scout not to use before he got his license.

I desided on the Code Practice Oscillator, but found the hard part was to find a inexpensive key. I desided on the ARRL CPO by Jade Products, Inc. It was more than I wanted to spend for a CPO kit, but it met the other requirements and had its own key.

I have been thinking lately about the Tick Keyer, from Embedded Research. The paddles would cost more, than a key, and it is a little harder to learn, but I feel the Scouts may play with it more. I have also found some paddle building ideas on the web and that could keep our cost down.

I am asking the Scouts to bring their CPO's, Keyers, etc. on campouts for campfire CW QSO's. I have been involved at Ham club CW QSO's and it is a lot of fun. Everyone sitting around passing the keys around. (We didn't have enough CPO's for each to have his own.)

I hope you can use some of the ideas presented. If you can add some please send them. I will be posting all the handouts and info on the program as I get it revised, so check back later.

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Please if you can offer any ideas do so. Mail commits and ideas to [email protected]